Arrogant posturer Biden prodigiously backhanded China, again

© 2021 Peter Free


26 March 2021



Y'all may as well put a date with 'war' . . .


. . . on your date planners.


Former President Trump was almost delicate compared to the warmongering pretender in the White House currently.


Thus, President Biden — apparently unhinging himself from Diplomacy's formerly serviceable gifts for soothing nuance and polite innuendo — said provocatively, here in extracts:



I’ve known Xi Jinping [see here] for a long time. Allegedly, by the time I left office as Vice President, I had spent more time with Xi Jinping than any world leader had . . . .


He is very, very straightforward. Doesn’t have a democratic — with a small “D” — bone in his body. But he’s a smart, smart guy.


He’s one of the guys, like Putin, who thinks that autocracy is the wave of the future and democracy can’t function in an . . . ever-complex world.


[W]hen I was elected and he called to congratulate me, I think to the surprise of the China experts . . . we had a two-hour conversation.


I made it clear to him again what I’ve told him in person on several occasions: that we’re not looking for confrontation, although we know there will be steep, steep competition.


[W]e’ll have strong competition, but we’ll insist that China play by the international rules: fair competition, fair practices, fair trade.


And earlier this month . . . I met with our allies and how we’re going to hold China accountable in the region: Australia, India, Japan, and the United States — the so-called Quad. Because we have to have democracies working together.


Before too long . . . I’m going to invite an alliance of democracies to come here to discuss the future.


[W]e are going to hold China accountable to follow the rules . . . whether it relates to the South China Sea or the North China Sea, or their agreement made on Taiwan, or a whole range of other things.


And I said [to President Xi:]



"Americans value the notion of freedom. America values human rights.


"And as long as you [Xi] and your country [China] continues to so blatantly violate human rights, we’re going to continue, in an unrelenting way, to call to the attention of the world and . . . make it clear what’s happening."



So I see stiff competition with China.


China has an overall goal, and I don’t criticize them for the goal, but they have an overall goal to become the leading country in the world, the wealthiest country in the world, and the most powerful country in the world.


That’s not going to happen on my watch because the United States are going to continue to grow and expand.


© 2021 President Joe Biden, Remarks by President Biden in Press Conference, (25 March 2021)



For a pertinent video clip, see:



NBC News, Biden Speaks Out on China Tensions, YouTube (25 March 2021)



So yeah


The nation with 332 million people is going to saddle the one — that has 1.4 billion industrious folk — with our USA-originated moral supervision.


Playing (of course!) by international rules that we Americans originated, without any Chinese input at all. Can't have those 'commie devils' derailing the US Gravy Train.



You can imagine how this kind of Colonial Era self-entitlement . . .


. . . went down in China.


I can imagine President Xi thinking — "We'll see about that."



From my once-historian's perspective, the outcome has already been decided


The plutocrat-owned US idiotically shipped most of its manufacturing capacity to China — and other places — years ago.



The moral? — US leadership is even more 'prancing dick' stupid . . .


. . . than it is greedy.


See you guys in our (mostly non-existent) nuke shelters.


Be sure to stock up on the Chinese products that you will need to survive. We don't make much (that's actually useful) over here anymore.