Adding to the United States' military incompetency woes — the new Secretary of the Air Force wants to "scare" China

© Peter Free


18 August 2021



Where do they get these morons?


It's a big country. Lots of actually smart folks in it.


Yet, the Great American Plutocracy manages to advance people like the new Secretary of the Air Force, Frank Kendall III, at a deluge-like pace.


Below is Secretary Kendall provocatively mouthing off about China — from his sanctuary of civilian safety and comparatively advanced (non-draftable) age:



“I’ve been obsessed, if you will, with China for quite a long time now — and its military modernization, what that implies for the US and for security,” said Kendall, an Army veteran who has had a long career in the Pentagon, including serving as the department’s acquisition executive during the Obama administration.


The goal, Kendall told Defense News in an exclusive Aug. 13 interview, should be to field the kinds of leap-ahead technologies that “scare China.”


“We’ve got a few things that are in the pipeline that have not been revealed to the public yet, that I can’t talk about,” Kendall said.


“One that has been revealed in part is the B-21 bomber. I think that’s going to be something that will be intimidating, it’s going to be very capable.


"And there are a few others like that that are coming down the pipeline. … But I think we have to be continuously thinking about other things that will be intimidating to our future enemies.”


© 2021 Valerie Insinna, The new US Air Force secretary wants to ‘scare China’, Defense News (17 August 2021)



Just reading the comic book-like shallowness . . .


. . . of Secretary Kendall's geopolitically idiotic and culturally uninsightful statements should ring our self-preservation alarms.



The moral? — We are currently pretending to leave the 20 year futility that we murderously started in Afghanistan . . .


. . . just as we attempt to start another such with nuclear-armed China.


America's military industrial complex has an endless supply of rabid dopes that it draws from America's excessively fertile Warmongering Forever Clan. These people are like Hellfire-armed roaches, scuttling around in camouflaging darkness behind our backs.


This why it is called the Deep State.


These subterranean folk constitute a fatal black mold, constantly eating away at America's societal underpinnings.


It is unlikely that a Constitutionally (or even physically) recognizable America will survive their sociopathic mental imbalances over the long term.