The Zionist conspiracy in Congress

© 2018 Peter Free


13 December 2018



Zionists are sneaking around Congress . . .


. . . getting that body (of plutocratic toadies) to pass a blatantly un-Constitutional law:



According to recent reports, congressional leaders from both sides of the aisle are planning to sneak a bill criminalizing politically motivated boycotts of Israel into the end-of-the-year omnibus spending bill.


The bill’s original sponsor, Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), is pushing Democratic leadership to include this bill, which has not moved forward thus far primarily because it violates the First Amendment.


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) are reportedly leaning toward slipping the text into the spending bill, which needs to pass for the government to stay open.


Earlier versions of the Israel Anti-Boycott Act would have made it a crime — possibly even subject to jail time — for American companies to participate in political boycotts aimed at Israel and its settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories [—] when those boycotts were called for by international governmental organizations like the United Nations.


The same went for boycotts targeting any country that is “friendly to the United States” if the boycott was not sanctioned by the United States.


This is a full-scale attack on Americans’ First Amendment freedoms.


Political boycotts, including boycotts of foreign countries, have played a pivotal role in this nation’s history — from the boycotts of British goods during the American Revolution to the Montgomery Bus Boycott to the campaign to divest from apartheid South Africa.


© 2018 Kate Ruane, Congress Is Trying to Use the Spending Bill to Criminalize Boycotts of Israel and Other Countries, ACLU (10 December 2018)



Think about this


Israel uses its Jewishness and memories of the Holocaust to excuse and promote its expansionist, genocidally inclined behavior toward Palestinians.


The Israeli lobby in the United States has successfully subjugated American vital interests to Israel's own for decades. Nothing like money and memories of the Holocaust to keep reflexively supportive Americans in line.


American leadership has been a hundred percent complicit in Israel's Arab-killing and plundering policies.


We the People evidently agree with expansionist-minded Zionists that Arabs — and Iranian Persians — are inhuman and should be killed. At least so, when elimination would prove even mildly convenient to Israel's expansionist purpose.


Israel's religiously racist ideology generally parallels the older Nazi idea that Jewish people were awful and should be exterminated.


Talk about a spiritual boomerang. From oppressed to oppressor in only three generations.


This ideological parallel continually escapes most of the US public. Which indicates what a bigoted geography we occupy.


And now, the combined Israeli and American imperialistic crews want to (behind-our-backs) dismember the US Constitution. So as to make Israeli's territory-grabbing and murdering behaviors unopposable.




Don't these surreptitious methods (of public control) somewhat accord with what anti-Jewish bigots have been saying for centuries?





What is a clear-eyed, humanely oriented person to think?



The moral? — Zionist-American conniving is clearly visible to the Islamic world


The only blind folk here are American.


The few among us, who see and protest against what is going on, are about to be silenced.


So tell me "Levi" — who are the 21st century's Nazi-equivalents?