Zionist Israel — and its murdering ironies

© 2018 Peter Free


17 May 2018



American press and leadership continually ignore — Israel's penchant for massacring Palestinians


I am struck by the ironies:



Decades after its foreseeably trouble-destined creation, Zionist Israel walks in the coalescing tracks of the Nazi butchers, whom it says gave it irrefutable reason to exist.


And the reprehensibly self-involved, always nauseatingly self-righteous United States — which so long ignored the Holocaust and now cavalierly undercuts Palestinian interests on their own lands — actively supports this Zionist-sponsored, trickling genocide.


A crowning irony floats atop both obscenities. Palestinians had nothing to do with the Shoah. Yet they are the ones being casually gunned down like a figurative Israeli meat supply. With the added outrage that the territory-grabbing Zionists exclusively blame Hamas for its defense of a predominantly innocent and impoverished people.



Satan, metaphorical or not, is having a field day


With supposedly Christian America's full support.



The moral? — Israel's national soul is long corrupted . . .


. . . whether by human flaw, perversely imposed karmic contamination, monstrous circumstance or Biblical intent.


Israeli behavior, and the United States' spineless support of it, are moral and strategic abominations.


When we point fingers at Nazis, terrorists and Bashar al-Assad — we should, reason and self-preservation argue, take definitionally accurate looks at ourselves.


Even from a Realpolitik perspective, Israel has probably doomed itself. A small and intrusively imposed cultural entity does not commonly survive by substantially proving hostile (often bigoted) allegations made by surrounding peoples.


The United States is in a similar Realpolitik boat. Only its power and geography insulate it. With the former noticeably fading, the latter's efficacy will fall into technological question.


And then what?


Biblically scaled retribution from the billions across the planet, whom the United States has imperialistically looted?


Color us blatantly immoral and strategically unrealistic. Hypocritically wrong-doing and collectively stupid.


We have become an almost fully developed parable. Unfortunate Israel already is one.


Is it that we control our destinies incompetently?


Or that we cannot?