Mighty Zion's expands its nuclear-equivalent war against Ben & Jerry's ice cream — as its Lapdog USA snuffles along on its leash

© 2021 Peter Free


26 July 2021



Last week . . .


I mentioned how morally obscene (but strikingly ridiculous) expansionist Israel is.


Mighty Zion has started a war with Ben & Jerry's ice cream. That's an American business that had had the audacity to object to illegal Israeli occupations in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.



And now


Israel has expanded its plan for exterminating Ben & Jerry's by triggering its successful, bribery-based (lobbying) effort to further enslave the minds of always toadying American political leadership:



Ben & Jerry’s said they would stop selling ice cream in the “Occupied Palestinian Territory” after a contract with a distribution expires at the end of next year. The company said they would still sell products in Israel, so the ban only applies to illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.


After the announcement, Israel urged the governors of the US states with anti-BDS laws on the books to enforce them against Ben & Jerry’s, and some seem happy to comply. So far, New York, Texas, Florida, New Jersey, and Illinois are considering action against the ice cream company.


© 2021 Dave DeCamp, New York State Puts Ben & Jerry’s Parent Company on Notice, AntiWar (23 July 2021)



In case you missed it . . .


The US is supposed to be (constitutionally speaking) a place of free speech and liberated political action.


Yet, somehow Israeli Zionists have managed to get the American Federal Government — as well as several state governments — to eliminate American citizens' right to protest Israel's blatantly illegal (often murderous and always gobbling) designs on Palestinian ground.



The moral? — Memories of the Holocaust . . .


. . . (Shoah) do not excuse similarly egregious behavior by its victims' descendants.


So why is the United States overtly destroying its own  constitution in explicit support of these Israeli pillagers?


Against an ice cream company, at that.


If the absurdity of these Israel-American escalations in stripping human freedoms away escapes us, we need our senses of morality and proportion awakened to accord with reality.