Ron Unz's conspiracy-suspecting conclusion about JFK's assassination is persuasive — perhaps because American government and Lamestream are today so visibly malignant
© 2018 Peter Free
18 June 2018
If it walks like a duck
Once (upon a time) accepting the JFK assassination "lone gunman" Warren Commission conclusion, publisher Ron Unz has now concluded differently. He thinks that a government-supported conspiracy and media coverup took place.
Unz's article persuasively reviews turning points in his revised reasoning:
Ron Unz, American Pravda: The JFK Assassination, Part I - What Happened?, The Unz Review (18 June 2018)
Elements to my similar suspicion are:
American government and corporatism's repeated lying
continual engagement in regime change
murder and chaos-sowing abroad.
Why would those elements stay foreign, when one could just as easily bring them home to create bloody mischief when necessary to the doers' self-interest?
Concealing this "adjustment" process is simple. The American Lamestream has become a propaganda arm for whomever is in power.
Thus, what once seemed unthinkable — by virtue of reasoning that "American government would never do that" — no longer is.
The moral? — Americans should adopt the same self-defensive mental mechanisms that citizens in totalitarian nations do
Trust no one in power. They're almost all lying and pillaging in one form or another. Preying upon each other as well (when conveniently "necessary") does not slow them down.
Imagining cabals within cabals is not unreasonable.
Skill comes in separating what is likely from what is not. Survival and resistance, arguably, reside in these chinks.