Ukraine's US-supported Ukro-Nazis — are trying to start World War 3 — nukes, they tell us, are the answer

© 2021 Peter Free


17 April 2021





Geopolitics, these days, are getting darn dangerous. Even for Big Dog America, the planet's Head Conniver.


Too many greedy airheads in charge.


Consider Ukraine.



Background — what's a Ukro-Nazi?


Dimitry Orlov's succinct history of such:



[A]t the end of World War II some number of Ukrainian war criminals who fought on the side of the Nazis and took part in acts of genocide against Ukrainian Jews and Poles found a welcoming home in the US and in Canada, where they were able to feather their nests and bring up the next several generations of Ukrainian Nazis.


After the collapse of the USSR, they were reintroduced into the Ukraine and given political support in the hopes of thoroughly alienating the Ukraine from Russia.


In the course of serial color revolutions and unending political upheaval and strife they were able to become prominent, then dominant, in Ukrainian political life, to a point that they can now hold the Ukrainian government hostage whenever it fails to be sufficiently belligerent toward Russia, to maintain strict anti-Russian censorship in the media and to physically threaten anyone who voices disagreement with them.


Russophobia and belligerence toward Russia are, in turn, all that is currently required of the Ukraine by its US and EU masters, who wish to portray the Ukraine as a bulwark against a supposedly aggressive Russia [—] but in reality wish to use it as an anti-Russian irritant and to use it to contain (meaning to restrict and frustrate) Russia economically and geopolitically.


To this end the Ukrainian school curriculum has been carefully redesigned to inculcate hatred of all things Russian.


The Ukraine’s Western mentors think that they are constructing a pseudo-ethnic totalitarian cult that can be used as a battering ram against Russia, along the lines of Nazi Germany but with much tighter external political control, or, to use a more recent, updated CIA playbook, along the lines of Al Qaeda and its various offshoots in the Middle East.


© 2021 Dimitry Orlov, Putin’s Ukrainian Judo, The Saker (14 April 2021)



'Bring us gasoline and match'


From Al Jazeera:



A Ukrainian diplomat has reportedly warned Kyiv may be forced to acquire nuclear weapons to safeguard the country’s security if NATO does not accede to its membership demand amid spiralling tensions with neighbouring Russia.


Andriy Melnyk, Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany, suggested to national public radio network Deutschlandfunk on Thursday that President Volodymyr Zelensky’s administration was weighing up all possible options as fears mount over a possible escalation of hostilities in the country’s conflict-stricken east.


“Either we are part of an alliance like NATO and also make our contribution to strengthen this Europe, or we have only one option; to rearm ourselves,” Germany’s DPA news agency quoted Melnyk as saying. “How else could we guarantee our defence?”


© 2021 Al Jazeera, Ukraine may seek nuclear weapons if left out of NATO: Diplomat, (16 April 2021)



Think this through


Ukraine is trying to extort NATO — and its US (Ukro-Nazi-supporting) sponsor — into assisting Ukraine start a war with Russia.:



'If you don't, we'll get nukes and then then see how troublesome we can be,' they tell us.


'Kind'a like Pakistan and North Korea,' they remind everyone.



Russians, listening to this latest incendiary Ukrainian proposition . . .


. . . are thinking that they cannot afford to have a hostile nuclear-armed state on their border.


Especially one under American control.



In contrast . . .


Americans — 99 percent of whom have never dreamed of actually serving the Empire and, thereby, putting themselves in Death's Way — are thinking that fencing the Rooskies in would be a great idea.


So long as some other folks wear the uniforms that are assigned to do it:






Meanwhile . . .


. . . warmongering, reflexively hostile and Plutocracy-owned American leadership is eagerly plotting about how to play this:



'It's the perfect opportunity to ramp up the trillion dollar-grabbing National Security Scam!'


'Two or three trillion, anyone?'



The moral? — The proportionately few of us . . .


. . . who possess a lick of sense wonder how these currents are going to swirl — in a world dominated by sociopathic parasites.


We all have tickets to the show. And they're not radioactive yet.


Isn't that great?