US Democrats' inability to see themselves — explains their repeated political difficulties

© 2020 Peter Free


05 November 2020



The Democratic Party's elitist judgmentalism . . .


. . . (regarding allegedly deplorable Trump supporters) is a major part of the United States' plunge into self-arsoning hellfire.



Consider a typical thought from one such


A day after the United States' still disputed 2020 presidential election, William Rivers Pitt wrote that:



I am processing the meaning of last night’s results. I gravely misunderstood the nature of my country coming into this contest, something I felt I’ve had a handle on for years.


Nearly 66 million people surveyed the roiling, hateful, plague-raddled disaster zone the nation has become under Trump’s administration and decided he should have another four years to do more of the same.


© 2020 William Rivers Pitt, Trumpism Is Alive and Well — and It Won’t Go Away Even If Trump Does, Smirking Chimp (05 November 2020)



So, William, you're telling me that . . .


. . . it is Trumpists' fault that an:



intentionally selected




corporatist Democrat


old guy —


coddled inside a political party comprised of "know better than you"






cancel culture-erecting


white person-hating


COVID lockdown imprisoning


elitists —


who have no political platform at all


other than


continuing to Identity-fractionate



. . . had trouble winning a national election?



Have y'all looked in a mirror . . .


. . . even once, during the last 12 years or so?


Do you guys ever drive into the nation's heartland and befriend the folks who live there?



The moral? — In truth, either candidate will constitute an American disaster


This is what happens, when tribalist sheep drink their respective clans' Kool-Aids.


Oligarchy owns both American political parties. Yet, their members refuse to acknowledge this. Propagandistic brainwashing has most of the United States enslaved. Ergo, our nation's reality-defying, blind-loyalty-displaying political tribalism.


Indicatively, 2020 has worked out (divertingly) exactly as the Corporatists, who own us, intended.


Until people beginning waking up to Oligarchy's skillful manipulation of our perspectives, it will be impossible to take either American political party seriously as a method of freedom-attainment.