President Trump's whiny critics underestimate his successes — so, who's the dumb one — Trump or each of them?

© 2018 Peter Free


10 January 2018



Stealing the ball — while everyone else is distracted by an ass-baring


Did you notice that "liberals" pounced on President Trump's faltering with some the national anthem's words, when he sang it at the beginning of American college football's national championship?


I think that misfocused silliness is a metaphor for the failure of the Anti-Trump movement. It demonstrates the intellectual and moral vacuity of the Democratic Party.



Setting the stage — for my critique of the President's politically pinheaded opposition


The President muffs some of the anthem's words and "everyone" points to that as somehow symbolic of his lack of worth.


Lost in that childishly petty criticism of the Commander in Chief was (and is) recognition of the master stroke that he pulled off by:



appearing at the championship game,


on the field,


sandwiched among and noticeably physically larger than the military color guard —




arguably resplendent in his signature blue suit, white shirt and red tie.



Talk about showmanship, political base appeal, and exhibiting the power of the presidency in easily visible form.


As I have said before, the President of the United States is a towering genius at some things. And not all of them are bad.



Expanding the 'petty opposition' metaphor


Day after day, we in the United States are bombarded by one criticism of the President after another. Almost all of them focusing on his sometimes reprehensible character.


What is lost in this deluge of 'we hate the man isms' is recognition of the serial successes that he has had, as President, in further moving Government toward his and Republicans' liking.


For example, who among the Whiny Opposition, has actually focused energy on trying to halt Trump's successful Trojan Horsing of most of the United States' presumably regulatory agencies? One after another, the agency heads appointed under Trump have been those agencies' deadliest and most devilish enemies.


Who among the Caviling Opposition has done any substantial work to overturn President Trump's decision to let "his" military run amuck, at whatever level and in whichever geography "his" generals whimsically want it to?


Anyone successfully raise meaningful opposition to the Pillage the Rabble tax law that the majority of American voters reportedly still hate?


And — which self-described, prominent Trump haters have expended effective substance on making and implementing philosophically persuasive, voter-appealing cases against the President's constant diminution of truth, decency and communitarianism?


Any widely broadcast and well-organized calls to revolutionary action (whether violent or not)?





It is like the 'pussy hats' escapade


Wearing labia-representing hats once in a while seems to be the sum total of the Whiny Opposition's ability to get off its brainlessly squelchy behind.


"Liberals" and Democrats continue to underestimate Donald Trump's competently showy, thumb-in-your-damn-eye appeal.


The Whiny Opposition seemingly refuses to recognize the genuine, politically effective inroads that the President has accomplished.


He is not the despicable incompetent that they make him out to be. Opponents confuse President Trump's fondness for branding with distasteful incompetence and incipient dementia.


Here, I do not put much stock in Trump's plutocratically representative advisers' diminution of him as a moron.


Who, after all, are those guys? Answer — fellow travelers on the Road to Narcissistic Autocracy.


Not one of them seems to me to be a singularly admirable leader of a free and socially conscious nation.


What they think of the Commander in Chief is essentially immaterial. Trump is the one most visibly forcing the program. Whatever it is. That's his goal. Demented or not, Trump's the one making everyone else jump through hoops.


So, tell me, who's the ineffectually stupid guy?



Is the President as accomplishment-lacking — as his critics make him out to be?


I don't think so.


He surpasses his plutocracy-worshipping predecessors — including (and especially) Presidents Obama, Bush II, Clinton and Reagan — in what he has been able to symbolically pull off during his first year in office.


The anti-humanitarian darkness that his predecessors successfully and hypocritically concealed from the public (while stealing our individual futures), President Trump trots out in its full glory.


With eager Republican help, Trump then rams whatever it is down a mostly apathetic electorate's throat.


What is off-putting in this (for me), is Trump's critics' castigation of him for not really having a philosophy of governance.


So what? He's the one that got a Republican Congress off its perennially obstructive ass and got the (admittedly rich-guy-enhancing) tax bill through that usually useless body and onto his desk.


Democrats would have lauded a Democratic 'leader' for doing exactly the same thing. Witness how they treated President Obama's notoriously anti-bipartisan ObamaCare.


Trump has had the egotistical courage (or non-scruples) to be the Lion of Moral Darkness that his predecessors oligarchically were also, but pretended not to be.


With President Trump (and his Horde of Eager Pillagers), we get what we have been subliminally witnessing for many decades.


Money and power rule to their own purposes. Humanity be damned.



The political point?


Underestimating one's opponent is always a mistake.


Ignoring the tactical and strategic bases of his (and her) effectiveness is always an error.


Being unaware of one's stupidity, in committing both of the above misassessments, generally loses conflicts.



The moral? — Our Whiny Opposition needs to grow up


President Trump is, perhaps, not an admirable character. But he sure as heck is a talented and effective one — when assessed according to his personal goal(s).


The President's sole focus is to put his name on History. He does not care what form that stamp takes.


This flexibility, usually admired in a political leader, makes him opportunistic, slippery and tactically difficult to stop.


The President is like the bad kid in class, whose only aim is to 'famously' disrupt. At this, President Trump is already an enormous success.


Criticizing the President for that quality is like anthropomorphizing a violent ocean storm. You miss that scary weather's most essential point — which is its undisguised ability to kick your strategically unprepared behind.


Singlehandedly, this president has come to symbolize everything that has long been wrong with the United States' political system and its love affair with Globally Rapacious Capitalism. Our arguably morally coarse culture willingly gave Bad Boy Trump the reins and reign.


And today — instead of directly grappling with these societal and institutional 'atrocities' — the Whiny American Opposition critiques the President's momentary difficulty in remembering a few of the national anthem's words.


Are you friggin' kidding me?