In Trumpian times — Beelzebub's Avaricious Donkey Butts (meaning Democrats) — scuttle like mewling cockroaches

© 2018 Peter Free


01 February 2018



Two preliminary definitions


I know my title metaphor is ridiculous. But it fits:



scuttle — to run or move with short hurried movements; scurry


mewling — to cry, as a baby, young child, or the like; whimper



Avaricious donkey butts all


Mike Whitney characterized the Democratic Party's irritating whininess rather well:



Two weeks ago, the Dems shut down the government to see if they could force Trump into bending on the DACA [see definition here] issue. In less than 72 hours, they checked the polls, ran up the white flag, and caved in.


I cannot remember a more flagrant display of political cowardice in my lifetime.


The Dems are a party without a leader and without a message. They keep carping about Russia and Trump because they have no convictions, no beliefs, and no fire in the belly.


It’s a party of empty suits and phony flannel-mouth politicos. The only thing they’re good at is losing, which is an art they appear to have perfected.


The problem is, that the rest of us are sick of the party’s sad-sack song-and-dance, sick of the excuses, sick of the buck passing, and sick of losing.


[T]here comes a time when you have to accept the reality the party’s leaders believe in nothing, that they are joined at the hip with arms dealers, the neocons, the Intel agencies, Wall Street and the rest of the vermin who control this country.


© 2018 Mike Whitney, The Loser Dems, Unz Review (31 January 2018) (resequenced paragraphs)




The moral? — It is difficult to make a case for even pretend justice, when one is owned by the "vermin" who run the nation


Democratic Party leadership is also like a flock of dithering gnats. It is difficult for them to set their plutocratic loyalties aside long enough to set down their vermouth. Or whatever it is that those wilting pansy asses drink.


For evil gloriously personified, give me the Republican Party of the Anti-Christ. Now there's Robber Baron fascism boldly demonstrated in its suavely pressed pinstripe pants.


Incidentally, if you think I'm hard on the Anti-Christers, you are likely one of them:



Between January 19-23, Quinnipiac University asked 1,245 voting-age adults if they think “Trump is a good role model for children,” and nearly three-quarters [72 percent] of self-identified Republicans responded in the affirmative.


In essence, when asked whether America needs more racist narcissists with a fondness for bragging about sexual assault, Republicans overwhelmingly answered yes.


No other group so decidedly chose to land on the side of calamity and evil, though results were—as politics always are—tied to race.


Overall, 99 percent of Democrats said kids shouldn’t look up to Trump, a man who arbitrarily brought up the size of his penis during a televised political debate and who in 1992 told New York magazine, "Women? You have to treat ’em like shit.”


Ninety-seven percent of African Americans felt the prospect of more Trumps-in-training would be a bad thing, and 87 percent of Hispanics agreed with that assessment.


But roughly a third of both white men and women, 32 and 37 percent respectively, said Trump is a good role model for America’s future leaders.


Among white voters without a college degree, 54 percent see Trump as someone kids should respect and admire.


© 2018 Kali Holloway, Bonkers Poll: 70% of Republicans Think Trump Is a 'Good Role Model for Children', AlterNet (30 January 2018) (see the poll that this was sourced from, here)