Trump Derangement Syndrome one day — and truth the next — regarding Stephan Richter

© 2018 Peter Free


27 July 2018



Infected though he is with Trump Derangement Syndrome . . .


. . . my admired German "colleague in thought", Stephan Richter, wrote something importantly true this week:



By . . . amazing [Republican Party] logic, speaking up ever so slightly in favor of the potential economic, social and political interests of average Americans is an act of “socialism.”


In contrast, it stands to reason that “democracy” is the process of ensuring that an entire country is largely organized for the economic interests of the top 1%.


The main reason why the inappropriate charge of socialism is thrown into the equation is to protect Republicans against appropriate charges that they are little more than a clever front organization dedicated to furthering the cause of economic plutocracy.


That this maneuver is even remotely possible is due to the fact that most Americans have always had a hard time with definitions and abstract concepts.


© 2018 Stephan Richter, America’s Fifth Column, The Globalist (26 July 2018) (italics added for clarity)



Less diplomatically put — Americans combine willful ignorance with impressive levels of stupidity


We sputter opinions, acting as if their obvious vacuity has discernible relationship to Reality.


This societal trait explains why both American political parties are:





paid for,






continuing patsies for the Oligarchic Class.



And the US public, quibbling over (nearly always) idiotic definitions regarding patterns of societal organization, lets them get away with it.


You cannot fight wolves, if you are not smart enough to recognize who they are.



The moral? — Just because someone suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome (as Richter does) — does not mean that they are wrong on other major points


Intelligence, in a world with so little, represents hope.


Cling to it.