Trump Derangement Syndrome may be real — take Stephan Richter's suggestion — that the American President is a Russian "sleeper agent"

© 2018 Peter Free


18 July 2018



When arguably intelligent people act like crazed morons . . .


. . . some kind of psychic derangement is probably afoot.


Consider the following evidence suggesting that Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.



What is Trump Derangement Syndrome?


The Urban Dictionary's most popular definition of the term (as of today) is this one submitted by JB797:



Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason.


Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from hysterical outbursts to a complete mental break. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires.


Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self harm on themselves (such as increased taxes, a desire for an economic recession, and even nuclear war), provided that [the] action might in some way hurt Donald Trump.


© 2018 JB797, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Urban Dictionary (17 June 2018)



Influential Globalist editor-in-chief, Stephan Richter, has this illness


Richter seemed an intelligent person before President Trump came along. But now, he's lost his mind:



Trump has moved rapidly toward the break-up of the established Western order.


That Trump has managed to do so right in front of our collective eyes, while the entire world was watching and interpreting his every move and tweet, is the tell-tale sign of a true world-class agent. That must please his masters in Moscow immensely.


The ability to operate so openly and confidently is the ultimate sign of an extremely well-trained and highly professional sleeper agent.


© 2018 Stephan Richter, Trump, Russia’s Masterful Sleeper Agent, The Globalist (17 July 2018)





Whether Richter's words were satirically intended or not — and I suspect not — publishing war-prompting drivel like it is irresponsible. Especially so, for someone in his influential position.


For whatever purpose, Richter ignores the more easily accessed basics of our President's narcissistically destructive character. Richter instead attributes those lamentable traits to Trump being a planted, well-trained Russian spy-saboteur.


How likely is that hypothesis, given how difficult it would have been for the alleged Russian Trump masters to pull off?


Did the Russian plot go all the way back to Trump's childhood?


Consider the voluminous, jig-sawed details — as well as the improbably good fortune(s) — that would have been required for such a scheme to succeed.



Richter doesn't need his sleeper agent accusation to explain President Trump's behavior


President Trump likes attention.


He likes to be mighty.


He likes to break things, so as to prove he is mighty.


He also detests former President Obama — who once intentionally (but deservedly) humiliated Trump — and overtly seeks to demolish every "damn" thing that the "first black American president" ever did.


President Trump is also a proponent of the "zero sum" perspective regarding life on earth. Meaning that:



(a) if you have it and Trump doesn't,


(b) he will have to take it from you to make himself happy, make you miserable, and demonstrate that he is the superior being.



President Trump's actions can all be explained via these (exceedingly obvious) attributes . . .


. . . with the added trait of dictator-worship thrown in.



And keep in mind that the autocrat-worship characteristic is not really separate.


It is an arguably necessary accompaniment to Trump's mighty-me and zero-sum perspectives.



In short, intellectually speaking, Richter did not need to go to the extremely improbable accusation that President Trump is:



(i) a trained Russian sleeper agent


(ii) planted in the United States


(iii) specifically so as to shatter the prevailing "Western order."



The moral? — Trump Derangement Syndrome appears to exist


Richter has joined the millions upon millions of people whose intelligence (a) President Trump's (admittedly challenging) character and (b) the American Deep State's deadly shenanigans (c) have managed to self-poison.


I conclude that it is impossible to overestimate the extent of human stupidity.


If we had any sense, we would volunteer ourselves for species-wide euthanasia. So as to protect Mother Earth and each other from our deadly lack of reason and self-control.