Toddler Donald stirs the "poop pot" again

© 2018 Peter Free


08 May 2018



The erratically lurching United States is probably . . .


. . . creating a more unified opposition abroad.


With President Trump's torpedoing of the Iran deal, we have (perhaps) put Britain, France and Germany on Russia and China's side of the agreement.


Israel, instigator of this war-frolicking result, must be smacking its genocidally Zionist chops.



To someone with a functioning Realpolitik brain


This seems an odd American security strategy.


However, if further unsettling the world into violent instability is the goal, President Trump's doings certainly fit.



Consider just one scenario


Putin, Xi, Kim Jong-un and Rouhani et al — fed up with US imperialism — decide to start crafting ways to spread us thin.


A poke there, a jab here. Far enough apart geographically to become a headache. Perhaps even a little anti-American cooperation regarding making feints (or worse) with respect to nuclear strategy and tactics.


Toss in a few "come join us" winks — scattered to other places longing to be free of American meddling — and suddenly what was once arguably manageable becomes obviously not.



The moral? — America's violence-provoking nitwitism has no trouble creating problems


But I cannot recall the last one that it solved.


Now that Donald of Orange has vented his diaper-esque anti-Obama bile — via sinking both the Climate and Iran agreements — one wonders what next towering achievement American leadership is going to craft.


The term "rogue state" seems applicable.