Texas snow parable — a mini look at competing ideas of sane governance

© 2021 Peter Free


17 February 2021



Leaving dumb and selfish folks in charge . . .


. . . is always a bad idea.


But it never seems to go out of style in the United States.


Following is a parable cloaked in Texas snow.



Consider (mainly Republican-run) Texas' surprised ass-plomp . . .


. . . when the Big Cold and Snow Attack left millions of Texans without water, heat and power.


"Conservatives" blamed the state's large investment in green energy. Wind turbines froze and went offline, they told us.


A picture from years before — in Sweden — was submitted as local proof of the Texas situation. Green energy is bad, these folks said — See?


On the other hand, so called "liberals" — meaning slightly left of right-center Democratic Party fascists — blamed conventional fuel-run generators and wellheads for not having been properly winterized to keep them running at cold temperatures.


Their slant is probably more accurate, given that roughly 75 to 80 percent of the Texas power grid reportedly runs on hydrocarbons.


Let's run with this serendipitously assembled "parable".


Read on.



Choosing between Smart and Stupid in government


Below is arguably "smart" Dallas County (Texas) county commissioner and county judge, (Democrat) Clay Jenkins.


He makes the point that Texas's state's two governors tried to keep Big Business energy costs low, while sacrificing the cost of winter preparations in the process:



MSNBC, Dallas Co. Chief Exec.: 'Bad Weather Is Predictable, And Bad Policy Has A Consequence' — Katy Tur, YouTube (16 February 2021)



On the competing hand, is arguably "stupid" Colorado City (Texas), now former mayor (Republican) Tim Boyd.


He "tweetily" attacked his town's residents for their failure to foresee that government would disastrously let them down.


"Let them down" — as in not delivering the power services that city residents already contract and pay for.



Raising Boyd to his deserved status as the . . .


. . . "Paragon Great American Dumbass".


Here is what then-mayor Boyd wrote — since deleted from Twitter — and complete with its grammar and punctuation errors, but re-paragraphed (by me) for better online legibility:



Let me hurt some feelings while I have a minute!!


No one owes you and your family anything; nor is it the local government's responsibility to support you during times like this! Sink or swim it's your choice!


The City and County, along with power providers or any other services owes you NOTHING!


I'm sick and tired of people looking for a damn handout!


If you don't have electricity you step up and come up with a game plan to keep your family warm and safe. If you have no water you deal without and think outside of the box to survive and supply water to your family.


If you are sitting at home in the cold because you have no power and are sitting there waiting for someone to come rescue you because your lazy is a direct result of your raising!


Only the strong will survive and the weak will parish. Folks God has given us the tools to support ourselves in times like this.


This is sadly the product of a socialist government where they feed people to believe that the FEW will work and others will become dependent for handouts.


Am I sorry that you have been dealing without electricity and water; yes!


But I'll be damned if I'm going to provide for anyone who is capable of doing it themselves!


We have lost sight of those in need and those that take advantage of the system and meshed them in to one group!!


Bottom line quit crying and looking for a handout! Get off your ass and take care of your own family!




© 2021 Tim Boyd, Let me hurt some feelings, ET Breaking News via Twitter (16 February 2021)



Assess the magnitude of the Ayn Randian bullshit . . .


. . . encompassed in Tim Boyd's self-righteously delivered irrationality.


First, from the "human" perspective, people arguably informally contract with Government for services that they cannot themselves provide.


That's the well-accepted idea of the Social Contract. We give some freedoms away in return for a handful of "safeties" that only Government has the size, wealth and clout to provide us with.


Boyd, though, appears to think that such a "deal" does not exist.


Even in Boyd's own —"rampant Capitalism is good" — frame of mind, he seems to think that citizens — who do pay for water, gas and electricity — emphatically do not have the right to think that all three should be delivered. Especially so, when they most need those services. Meaning as in, while the town-folk are freezing-thirsty — ensconced in icy winter darkness.


According to Boyd's own words, ordinary Government is "socialism". An "ism thing" that I'm pretty sure that Idiot Tim could not accurately define, even on his best day.


And then, naturally — given where and who he is — Boyd just has to drag God into it.


I guess in Boyd's lexicon, "God" is another word for Rampaging Pillaging's hand of — presumably "just" — vengeance:



Freeze, waterless and blind — you sluggards of sloth.



Yes, Boyd's message is a representatively pertinent absence of thinking


Boyd pretty well sums up the Reigning Establishment's self-convenient perspective on government:



We do what we want — (usually not much) — when we want.


But let us pillage your wallets all the time.



In sum — if you don't get what you contracted for, too bad.



The moral? — Suck it up, suckers, and die


Community, much less strength in community, what are those?


It is Adam Henrys like Boyd, and his innumerable American flock of such, that have pretty much destroyed the United States.


In this, I'm not pointing a finger at Texas. California has the same unpreparedness problems. For the same reasons. And the Golden State is run by equally Adam Henry Democrats. (I pick on these two states because I have lived in both for extended numbers of years.)


Pillaging capitalism, and the avaricious mentality that goes with it, are the problem. Not party affiliation.


Naturally, the propagandizing Reigning Elite wants us to think, distractedly, that the "other" political party is the true devil.


If we keep thinking this way, we will all be dying of thirst in the cold — in Texas — or burning up, equally electricity-lacking — in California.


See a pattern?


This is what we get for putting and leaving greedy dumbshits in charge.


Wise up.