Sweden conveniently dropped its Julian Assange rape investigation — what a surprise

© 2019 Peter Free


19 November 2019



Northern Europeans . . .


. . . can be counted on to boost the United States' totalitarian cause.



For instance, the Swedish government


These are the folks who originated the apparently unprovable rape investigation against Julian Assange. Ten years (or so) of investigative sloth have dulled witness memories.


However, with what we can infer was rabid American encouragement, Sweden held onto this fake investigation for years. Thereby giving the British government an also fake reason to get involved in the American-led persecution of WikiLeaks Assange. Who was, "everybody" agrees, representative of the allegedly too-free press.


This coordinated legal hounding drove Assange into self-preservation inside London's Ecuadorian embassy.


The US then pressured Ecuador to retreat from its pigheaded interest in human rights and freedom. Ecuador did so, after a new administration was elected. (Very probably with American assistance.)


Then, the United States used an arguably patsy British court to drag Assange out of the Ecuadorian embassy and into jail.


This, ostensibly for having hidden out from the non-investigating (but rape-alleging) Swedes. And also for Assange's violation of the bail terms that the Brits had imposed on him, when their judicial system backed the Swedes' conniving bogosity up.


The United States' concluding move will be to extradite Assange into our Imperium's free-press-smothering clutches. American courts will get their own totalitarian turn at extinguishing him, along with his Empire-flouting impertinence.


Thus, in aid of the "liberal" world's' truth-extinguishing scheme, the always helpful Swedes have miraculously dropped the pretended rape investigation that started the whole thing.


We can safely infer that the United States told the eager-to-please Nordics that their assistive job was done.


It certainly wouldn't do to have two extradition claims competing in Britain's (obviously kangaroo) court.



The moral? — Let's happily share our totalitarian pie?


Swedish toadyism, by the way, is not a new philosophical trend for Sweden's governing class.


Recall drone-murdering Barack Obama's Sweden-originated Nobel peace prize.


We can further deduce that, in the northern portion of the Western Hemisphere, Liberty's destruction accelerates its already considerable momentum.


See you in the gulag.