Trump's Space Force order — characterizes the United States' bankrupting lunacy

© 2018 Peter Free


22 June 2018



By now, you've probably heard that the US is going to get a sixth military branch


The Space Force.



Won't that make us proud?


We already have five military services. None of which have been able to implement geopolitical strategic sense for decades.


So naturally, President Trump now adds a sixth.


His logic seems to be that — because we cannot dominate the planet itself — we must dominate the Universe and beyond.


An ability to reason has never been the President's strong suit.



Consider the economic consequences


A sixth military service is going to parallel the five existing ones in its demand for turf, status, prestige, manufactured paranoia, and gargantuan gobs of resources.


The copulatory partnership between the Military Industrial Complex and its pet uniforms will further escalate. Out of Sanity's bounds though that already is.



The moral? — the United States is determined to warmonger its way out of existence


America's plutocratic parasites are in charge.


Most of your taxes go to fund this national suicide.


If the planet were an integrated biological organism, it would send antibodies to kill us all.