Blowhard Senator Chuck Schumer told Republicans that — they may regret their Supreme Court tactics longer than they think
© 2020 Peter Free
27 October 2020
The current Supreme Court situation
With Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation, the Republican Senate — under Mitch McConnell's geniusly evil leadership — has managed to increase the pack of Supreme Court "conservatives" up to six.
Meaning that the Court's most critically important future votes are going to represent a 6 to 3 pounding against anything:
remotely humane
or, generally speaking
societally intelligent.
With that 'glummy' national future in prospect . . .
. . . the best that Democratic Senate minority leader, the characteristically ineffectual Chuck Schumer, could do was say this:
"The Republican majority is lighting its credibility on fire. ... The next time the American people give Democrats a majority in this chamber, you will have forfeited the right to tell us how to run that majority," Schumer said.
"My colleagues may regret this for a lot longer than they think," he added.
© 2020 Jordain Carney, Democrats warn GOP will regret Barrett confirmation, The Hill (26 October 2020)
Prancing ninny?
How many presidential and Senate elections does Schumer think that Democrats are consistently going to win from now on?
Given that Justices serve lifetime terms and newly appointed Justice Barrett is only 48, I suspect that no one in the Republican Gang is going to regret anything.
Democrats have managed to lose the majority of vitally critically important political power structure confrontations for decades.
This is by design and is exactly why Democrats' undisciplined, milling and usually whiny herd is called the Party of Fake Opposition.
The moral? — How do abrasively lecturing patsies, like Senator Schumer, stay in office?
Praise holy Oligarchy.