Russo-Ukrainian War — let's juxtapose two situational pictures — one Russian, one American

© 2022 Peter Free


08 April 2022



Straying from the American Founders' . . .


. . . non-entanglement, non-imperial foreign policy was a very bad idea.


To illustrate, let us compare two situational pictures.


The first, Russian. The second, American.



Situational picture 1 — Russia


What is the Russo-Ukraine War partially about?


From Pepe Escobar:



I submitted a few questions to a US Deep State old pro, now retired, and quite familiar with the inner workings of the old OSS, the CIA precursor, all the way to the neocon dementia.


His answers were quite sobering. He started by pointing out, “the whole Ukraine issue is over hypersonic missiles that can reach Moscow in less than four minutes.


"The US wants them there, in Poland, Romania, Baltic States, Sweden, Finland.


"This is in direct violation of the agreements in 1991 that NATO will not expand in Eastern Europe.


"The US does not have hypersonic missiles now but should – in a year or two.


"This is an existential threat to Russia. So they had to go into the Ukraine to stop this.


"Next will be Poland and Romania where launchers have been built in Romania and are being built in Poland.”


© 2022 Pepe Escobar, Sit back and watch Europe commit suicide, The Saker (07 April 2022)



It is the United States that is — by policy — continually threatening Russia's national security.


And it is the US that continues fueling the Russo-Ukrainian War that it provoked.


Consider the Russian perspective in response to this. Here from Andrei Martyanov — my additions in brackets:



Patriarch of All Russia [— meaning leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev — ] Kirill [I], served Liturgy in the main Cathedral of Russian Armed Forces on April 3.


In his Sunday sermon, [this] is what he said:




I want to say again and again: we are a peace-loving country and a very peaceful, long-suffering people who have suffered from wars like few other European nations.


We have no desire for war or for doing something that could harm others. But we have been so educated by our entire history that we love our Fatherland and will be ready to defend it in the way that only Russians can defend their country.


When I say these words, I do not say any empty compliments.


I start from the history of our people, from the history of our Armed Forces. After all, we broke the back of fascism, which, undoubtedly, would have defeated the world, if not for Russia, if not for the feat of our people.


May the Lord help us today too, so that we, being peaceful, peace-loving and modest people, are at the same time ready - always and under any circumstances - to protect our home.


© 2022 Andrei Martyanov, For Those Who Still Cannot Grasp, (07 April 2022)



The Patriarch's words will immediately resonate with Russian memories of their own history. Which, no doubt, explains President Putin's burgeoning popular support.


The Patriarch's message is the equivalent of the West's Italy-based Pope calling his flock to arms in protection of civilization.


Martyanov's take on the Patriarch's observations is like mine. He concludes that:



[T]his is not some prosperity gospel BS [bullshit] in some mega-church.


Every single Russian family [has] somebody who fought and who died fighting against fascism . . . .


The United States has no such experience, neither do US Armed Forces. But then again, what can . . . [former US General David] Petraeus . . . know about that--nothing.


I am sure Petraeus' grandfather didn't die in Donbass fighting Wehrmacht in 1941, mine did and that is the difference which cannot be reconciled and that is why Russians do not pick up the phone anymore.


© 2022 Andrei Martyanov, For Those Who Still Cannot Grasp, (07 April 2022)



This is the difference between:



people who are life and death serious and have lived it




those who are not and have not.



History indicates that the outcome of such a clash is probably not in doubt.


It also indicates that the Federation will use nuclear weapons to defend itself.


American leadership's morally obscene, continual pushing of the Nuclear War Risk Envelope is based upon a nationally self-destructive combination of:



abysmal ignorance of history and culture


unwarranted national arrogance




overwhelming avarice.



It would be nice if sanity intruded at some 'soon' point.



Contrast situational picture 2 — the United States


Take a gander at the following (embedded) video clips of a recent White House reception for former president Barack Obama:



Andrea Widburg, Proof has emerged from the White House that Biden's presidency is over, American Thinker (06 April 2022)


Fox News, Tucker: Democrats have decided to replace Biden, YouTube (05 April 2022)



Notice current President Biden's dementia-laden, lost and meandering appearance.


Observe Obama's intentionally contemptuous treatment of his former vice president.


Notice the current vice president, Kamala Harris, sucking up to the King of Hypocrites. While simultaneously completely ignoring the present-day Commander in Chief.


Take a guess at what is being messaged by all this:



It is reasonably apparent that the Obama wing of the Democratic Party is going to try to shuffle Dementia Joe into the past. Not completely unlikely, before the end of his term.


This will, as a Constitutional matter, elevate the (possibly stupidest and most dislikeable human being ever to become a US) vice president into the Commander in Chief's slot.


Where, I imagine, former president Obama will try to puppet her — in spite of her vacuously inflated ego.



To close this vignette, let's recap some recent American history:



In 2016, the US elected a flaming narcissist (later described 'moron') to the presidency. He filled his cabinet with people who overtly disagreed with his stated plans. Then he was surprised that his self-alleged charm did not guide those conniving saboteurs into carrying his (amorphously stated) plans out.


In 2020, America reacted to the alleged 'Moron in Chief' disaster by electing a new president — one who exhibited already easily visible signs of dementia — into the White House.


Evidently, for many of Americans, going from claimed imbecile-i-tude to active dementia is a step up.


And now, we see looming on the near horizon — a sidestep from Biden's non-functioning brain to actively displayed serial stupidity and grandiose cluelessness in Kamala Harris and her quasi-predictable soon-to-arrive grasp upon the presidency.



Do you think that this chain of the worst conceivable leadership choices indicates a healthy nation?



Now, let's compare the two pictures


Contrast the Russian situation with the American one:



The first is civilizationally existential.


The second is just an internal power grab, among some of this planet's most virulently minded, predatory, corporatist scum.



The moral? — Those two metaphorical snapshots say it all


Ask yourselves:



When competent self-defensive and existentially based ferocity meets avaricious ignoramuses' pillaging scheming — which is going to win?



Millenniums-experienced China knows.


It has already placed its bet.