Pentagon found itself not to blame — for having drone-murdered 10 innocents — including 7 children

© 2021 Peter Free


05 November 2021



If you need to provide someone with . . .


. . .  a nauseatingly bad example of virtually anything at all — just look to the high ranks of the American military.


This four star-led institution is, essentially, a money-sucking, parasitic quicksand of intercontinental proportions.


Its leadership is predominantly filled with self-interested schmoozing egotists, who 'richly' advance the Cause of Morally Criminal behavior all over the planet.



Consider the following . . .


. . . (and absolutely typical) example:



The Pentagon on Wednesday announced that an internal report cleared those responsible for the drone airstrike in Kabul, Afghanistan, [see here] that killed 10 Afghan civilians, including seven children, in August, finding “no violation of law, including the Law of War” and recommending no sanctions against those involved in the deadly error.


Unfortunately, this “carefully” done review is a black box. We don’t get to see any of it.


What we do get to see — a one-page, public-relations-jargon-filled fact sheet — is itself damning . . . .


The U.S. military is telling America, and the world, that deaths of innocent children are “regrettable” but ultimately “understandable” given the way we now conduct war.


© 2021 Chris Geidner, America's deadly military error in Afghanistan is 'regrettable' — but legal, MSNBC (05 November 2021)



Uh huh


Those kids and their dad got in our Holy Way.


Can't have that.


Trivial mistakes are sometimes made.



American media routinely conceal the military institution's moral culpability


Caitlin Johnstone accurately synopsized the Lamestream's behavior this way:



The mass media are full of headlines announcing that a “watchdog” has concluded in an “independent” investigation that US military personnel did nothing wrong in an August airstrike in Kabul which killed ten civilians and zero combatants.


“An independent Pentagon review has concluded that the U.S. drone strike that killed innocent Kabul civilians and children in the final days of the Afghanistan war was not caused by misconduct or negligence, and it doesn’t recommend any disciplinary action,” the Associated Press reports in an article titled “Watchdog finds no misconduct in mistaken Afghan airstrike“.


The word “watchdog” appears nowhere else in the article apart from its title, which means it was calculatingly chosen by an AP editor for the public (the vast majority of whom only read headlines) to see.


When people hear the word “watchdog” in reference to scrutiny of government institutions they naturally think of the standard usage of that term: parties outside the institution being watched like Amnesty International or the American Civil Liberties Union.


They most certainly don’t think of “watchdogs” being the government institutions themselves, as is the case here.


© 2021 Caitlin Johnstone, Mass Media Hasten To Help Pentagon Exonerate Itself In Afghan Airstrike, (04 November 2021)



But after all, Caitlin . . .


We all know that our armed services need protection from looming mobs of malevolent Afghani terrorist babies.


We absolutely must send 'watchdogs' to guard our beloved Military Industrial Complex's back.


Lucre must flow.


Blood and brain-gobs-spattered, or not.



The moral? — Satan's four star flock of Beelzebubs are firmly in charge


Happily profitable days.


Pass the foie gras, Freddie.