What a superbly concise analysis — of the American state — by Paul Edwards
© 2018 Peter Free
12 April 2018
'Gotta' admire someone with the ability to bite with such accuracy
Pertinent to the institutionalized insanity topic that I partially addressed two days ago, writer-film-maker Paul Edwards independently wrote that:
America is now run by an infantile hysteric who dominates the smoking wreckage of a sclerotic bureacracy, and a noxious, putrid cloaca of a Congress, in conjunction with a pompous, dimwitted military generalled by ignorant, insulated automatons, pickled in their own yahoo Jingo dogma.
[The result he says is:]
For the first time since 1962, world war could be only days or hours away.
What we have now, under our Imperial monsters, hysterics, and psychos, is a regime that, having destroyed weak countries, provokes the strongest; having failed in every single war it forced down our throats, aspires to fight new ones; having vilified and demonized the most powerful national leaders on earth by imbecile accusations spun of fevered imagination and fairy dust, it proposes to punish them for imaginary transgressions.
[The two questions raised are these:]
The question for us is, when does this hysteria become treason?
At what point of our shame is open rebellion the only choice?
© Paul Edwards, When is Hysteria Treason? CounterPunch (12 April 2018)
The moral? — Given this American state, our instinct for self-preservation has evidently been lost
Hysteria, fantasy, uninterrupted lying and other-blaming are not efficient survival strategies.
Comfortably powerful 'civilization' seems to breed populations of vicious fools.