Senator McCain is lying in state at the US capitol — what a statement that makes

© 2018 Peter Free


01 September 2018



Paul Craig Roberts — captured the symbolism — of this over the top event


He wrote that:



Perhaps the Russian government will understand the meaning of the orchestrated eulogies for John McCain.


It is not normal for a US senator to be eulogized in this way, especially one with such an undistinguished record.


What is being eulogized is McCain’s hatred of Russia and his record as a warmonger.


What Washington is eulogizing is its own commitment to war.


© 2018 Paul Craig Roberts, Provocations Have A History of Escalating Into War, The Unz Review (31 August 2018) (paragraph split)





I mentioned yesterday that Senator McCain had a geopolitically and morally questionable record.  Neither pattern is well suited to supporting the Hero of the Americanly Human Way medal that has symbolically been accorded him.


He also lacked the leadership impact that the United States' historically far more notable Congress people achieved during their periods of alleged service to the nation.


That fact, however, is something only people with history-related knowledge will recognize. In a nation with no memory and no interest in substance —like ours today — that group includes virtually no one.


A pity. People without perspective eventually tend to be crushed by circumstances that they do not see or do not respect.



Mr. Roberts' essay is . . .


. . . a call to the Russian Federation to wake up and resist American encroachment — for our benefit, not theirs.


As an American patriot, he does not want to see Americans dying, while carrying out the Military Industrial Complex's insane urge to crush humanity under its blood-sucking grip.


Roberts thinks that enhanced Russian resistance to American imperialism might wake some of our leaders to the fact that war with Russia would quickly escalate. Into something reminiscent of another world war. If you throw nukes in, it would be unprecedented.



The moral? — The McCain propaganda extravaganza . . .


. . . is an example of deadly American absurdity at its most graphic.


We're completely out of our easily manipulated minds.


If you are one of the vanishingly few with any realistic operating sense left, you should be afraid of what might happen next.