Now the Mainstream is lamely quoting Omarosa — regarding President Trump's allegedly "gibberish" intellect

© 2018 Peter Free


03 August 2018



I don't think that "hatchet job" — falls under the press's list of widely accepted duties


Yet every day, the Lamestream tries to hatchet President Trump at least once.


This latest is a typical press smear with no supporting evidence offered:



Former White House official Omarosa Manigault Newman [see here] suggested President Donald Trump may be experiencing some type of mental disorder in her upcoming book, "Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House."


It was during an interview in May, between Trump and NBC News host Lester Holt, that she "knew something wasn't right," according to an excerpt from her book that was obtained by The Daily Mail.


"While watching the interview I realized that something real and serious was going on in Donald's brain," Manigault wrote, referring to the NBC News interview. "His mental decline could not be denied."


"Throughout this erratic and contradictory interview, I kept thinking, 'Oh no! Oh no! This is bad!,'" Manigault said.


"Donald rambled. He spoke gibberish," she added. "He contradicted himself from one sentence to the next."


© 2018 David Choi, 'Donald rambled. He spoke gibberish': Former White House staffer Omarosa Manigault questions Trump's mental health in upcoming book, Business Insider (03 August 2018)



See any examples of presidential "gibberish" in that report?


Or any established baseline for the President's previous mental functioning?


How about a comparison of the quality of the President's work performance, as compared against his alleged gibbering?


Uh uh. Nothing.


No evidence, no demonstration of decline, and no attempt to prove that the purported decline has affected the President's work product.


Just a long string of — "We'll pull this out of our stinking behinds for your brainless consumption."



This is why so many people still support President Trump


Tennessee columnist Saritha Pradbu synopsized the media situation nicely:



I don’t much like Donald Trump and didn’t vote for him (or Hillary) in 2016, but I’ve been feeling sorry for him for about 18 months now.


It feels strange feeling sorry for someone who’s a boor, a narcissist, an egomaniac, and a serial philanderer, plus the 37 other negative traits usually used to describe him. But it has something to do with the fact that he has been treated in a grossly unfair manner by the mainstream media and the political and cultural left, on a scale we’ve never seen before.


Those of us who aren’t hardcore Democrats recognize what’s going on and have come to see something that seems counter-intuitive:


This loud, brash president is actually a victim and an underdog in American politics today, and he hasn’t been getting a fair shake since he won the election, or been given a proper chance to lead the country.


And so we feel sorry for him, and angry and repulsed by his opposition.


© 2018 Saritha Prabhu, How Spygate Is Turning Democrats Like Me Against Our Party, The Federalist (03 August 2018)



I fall into the "repulsed" group.


As much as I detest the President's personality and most of his doings, he is better than the Deep State slimeballs, who are trying to replace him in defiance of both the Constitution and 2016 election.



Adding to my irritation with the Lamestream today


Consider the following no-questions-asked — no-proof-advanced — "intelligence" report:



Russia is waging a “pervasive” campaign to undermine democracy and “divide the United States,” several of the nation’s top intelligence officials said Thursday in their latest castigation of the Kremlin.


“As I have said consistently: Russia attempted to interfere with the last election and continues to engage in malign influence operations to this day,” Christopher Wray, the director of the FBI, said at a White House press briefing on Thursday.


“This is a threat we need to take extremely seriously, and to tackle and respond to with fierce determination and focus.”


Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, said unequivocally that hackers, under the direction of Putin, were attempting to sow discord among Americans.


“What we see is the Russians are looking for every opportunity, regardless of party, regardless of whether or not it applies to the election, to continue their pervasive efforts to undermine our fundamental values,” Coats said Thursday.


“Our democracy itself is in the crosshairs,” [Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen] Nielsen said.


“Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy, and it has become clear that they are the target of our adversaries, who seek ... to sow discord and undermine our way of life.”


© 2018 Nick Visser, Once Again, Intelligence Agencies Say Russia Is Targeting U.S. Elections Right Now, Huffington Post (03 August 2018)



According to these three admirably high-ranking Deep State insiders, the Russian Federation has managed a way to hack its way into American voters' brains.


Vladimir Putin — that sly Trump-the-Puppet controller — will individually force us to vote exactly as he wishes. We will have no defense against the Federation's Orwellian computer control of our minds.


This threat is, according to these influential Deep Staters, enormous.


Our pretend democracy is about to crash into both oceans, becoming whale poop in the process. A once great nation reduced to starving sardine food.



Notice that


Just as with the Omarosa "gibberish" garbage — not a shred of evidence has been advanced to prove either:



(a) the "Russians are doing it" claim


or that


(b) their alleged hacking will have a meaningful effect on election outcomes.



In essence, 2016's evidence-lacking:



(a) Trump's-a-Russian-Puppet




(b) Russia-is-the-Devil



ploys are being repeated with no modifications whatsoever.



The moral? — In the United States, it is delusional bullshit all the time


That's why a lot of Americans are probably going to remain in President Trump's camp:



There needs to be a reckoning for the mainstream media . . . as to why, as one critic said this week, they’ve acted as “lapdogs for the Deep State and propaganda arm of the Left.”


Maybe I’m not a good enough Democrat, but I’m far more troubled by what is happening to Trump than by Trump himself.


© 2018 Saritha Prabhu, I’m A Democrat, And The Left’s Russia Gaslighting Scares Me More Than Trump Does, The Federalist (24 May 2018)