On MLK Jr Day 2018 — an observation about "the arc of the moral universe"
© 2018 Peter Free
15 January 2018
Regarding the famous "arc"
Martin Luther King Jr said that:
The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.
Martin Luther King Jr, Where Do We Go from Here? (16 August 1967) (King Institute Encyclopedia, Stanford University — transcript of King's speech addressing the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Atlanta, Georgia)
(for video of the pertinent quotation, see the Graham Davis's post on YouTube, beginning at 02:36)
This idea reportedly began in 1853 with abolitionist Unitarian and Transcendalist minister, Theodore Parker's Ten Sermons of Religion.
Applying the "arc of the moral universe" — to the United States
Martin Luther King Jr was murdered in 1968 for being black and telling the truth.
Fifty years later, white supremacist and perpetual liar Donald Trump is president — with the full and unwavering support of the Republican Party of the Anti-Christ.
The moral? — Evidently 10,000 years of human civilization is not enough to demonstrate the moral curve toward decency
And certainly not in the United States, with its modern four centuries of enthusiastic oppression.
"Shithole countries" indeed?
The problem with perspective is that virtually nobody wants a reasonably accurate one. Ergo the killing of truth-tellers and seekers.