The maliciously partisan Deep State actor — James Clapper — laughably played his "private citizen" card

© 2018 Peter Free


21 July 2018



Hypocritical gall


What follows is generally about Deep State schemers' attempt to unseat President Trump.


I selected a small dose of their laughable hypocrisy to highlight the magnitude of their flaunted dishonor.



Oh James, was the President mean to you?


After about 20 months of trying to cabal a coup d'état against President Trump, James Clapper had his feelings hurt.


Yes. President Obama's former Director of National Intelligence took umbrage, when Trump (speaking to CNN) derided him and his fellow cabalists as being untrustworthy:



You look at Brennan, you look at Clapper, you look at Hayden, you look at Comey, you look at McCabe, you look at Strzok and his lover, Lisa Page.


You look at other people in the F.B.I. that have been fired, are no longer there.


I have no confidence in a guy like Brennan. I think he's a total low-life. I have no confidence in Clapper.


Take a look at all of the shenanigans that have gone on. Very hard to have confidence in that group.


© 2018 Ian Schwartz, Clapper: "Badge of Honor" When Trump Attacks Me, John Brennan, Hayden & Comey, Real Clear Politics (19 July 2018) (excerpts)



In truth and uncharacteristically . . .


. . .  the President's statement is a reasonable summation of these people's lack of decency.


Trump's insightful accuracy, however, did not stop former intelligence director Clapper from (absurdly) retorting that:



"I think I'm speaking for my case and John Brennan's.


"It's almost a badge of honor when the president sees fit to go after individual private citizens. And I think I can speak, as well, for all of us to say -- and I include Jim Comey in this."


© 2018 Ian Schwartz, Clapper: "Badge of Honor" When Trump Attacks Me, John Brennan, Hayden & Comey, Real Clear Politics (19 July 2018) (excerpts)



Right, James.


For month after month, you and Brennan have been trotting your unethical selves around, volubly and interminably using your spy agency credentials to lend credence to evidence-lacking, anti-Trump slurs.


Not a whole lot of "private citizen" in that credentials-waving platform, is there?


And after all that, you still do not think that the President has the right (and even a duty) to call your prominently malicious jackassery, untrustworthy?



Peter Van Buren described the dishonorable Brennan-Clapper crew


Van Buren, formerly of the US State Department, recently concluded that, "Brennan is part of the whole-of-government effort to overturn the election":



Brennan lived in a hole about as far down into the deep state as one can dwell while still having eyes that work in the sunlight.


He was director of the Central Intelligence Agency. He was Obama’s counterterrorism advisor, helping the president decide who to kill every week, including American citizens.


He was a fan of torture and extrajudicial killing . . . .


Brennan slithers alongside those like Nancy Pelosi and Cory Booker who said Trump is controlled by Russia . . . .


Brennan’s bleating has the interesting side effect of directing attention away from who was watching the front door as the Russians walked in . . . .


During the 2016 election, Brennan was head of the CIA.


His evil twin, James Clapper, who also coughs up Trump attacks for nickels these days, was director of national intelligence.


James Comey headed the FBI, following Robert Mueller into the job.


Yet the noise from that crowd has become so loud as to drown out any questions about where they were when they had the duty to stop the Russians in the first place.


If Trump is under Russian influence, he is the most dangerous man in American history. So why isn’t Washington on fire? Why hasn’t Mueller indicted someone for treason?


Why is everyone allowing a Russian asset placed in charge of the American nuclear arsenal to stay in power even one more minute?


© 2018 Peter Van Buren, John Brennan, Melting Down and Covering Up, The American Conservative (20 July 2018) (excerpts)



Everything Brennan, Clapper and fellow travelers have had to say is partisanly inspired, evidence-lacking, made-up bullshit.



President Trump, obnoxiously dangerous though he is . . .


. . . is not the biggest threat to the United States' eroded democracy.


These lying, plot-concocting Deep State actors are.



The moral? — President Trump accurately took your sniveling measure, Jim


If there are any people — in this pot of poisonous, anti-democratic toads — that can fairly be called traitors to the idealized American system, it is the Clapper-Brennan & Company deep state, democracy-destroyers.


These are the ones who went, and continue to go along, with the Democratic Party-inspired plot to lie and demagogue their way into reversing the 2016 election's lawful (admittedly unpleasant) outcome.


These Military Industrial Complex plotters take our already fascistically inclined Plutocratic State a substantial step further toward pure, éminence grise-inspired Fascism.


I do not think that such a result would be an improvement. Though I could be wrong.


The admirable Eugene Robinson seems to think Deep State control is a plus. My suspicion, in response, is that he suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome. But heck, who knows?


As I said, poisonous toads. There are so many of those these days, properly prioritized dangers are hard to sort.