Glenn Greenwald's assessment — of American journalism — and an added observation

© 2018 Peter Free


30 April 2018



Lamestream fantasies


You probably know that commentator and "liberal" grandstander, Joy Reid, is in temporary trouble. She wrote some homosexual-intolerant things about 10 years ago.


According to investigative reporter Glenn Greenwald, Reid's homophobic blurbs were discovered lurking on the Wayback Machine. The Wayback preserves blog entries, even after they are erased from their original locations — as Reid had done with hers.


In response to this unearthing, Ms. Reid did the obligatory "I'm sorry but not" routine.


Then confusingly, she decided to claim that hackers had inserted especially mean words into her erased blog pages.


Mr. Greenwald expressed skepticism about Reid's "hackers did it" account.


Then, he made a larger point about American media's customarily duplicitous behavior:



The reason liberal news sites are ignoring the story is as self-evident as it is troubling:


Because Reid’s ideology is in accordance with theirs, and they . . . don’t care if she’s lying or telling the truth . . . nor do they care about the anti-LGBT bigotry itself.


Those are concepts to be exploited opportunistically for partisan gain . . . .


Just as right-wing sites would be . . . ignoring this story if a Fox News host — in response to embarrassing articles found on their website — had claimed they were the work of bizarrely innovative and enterprising hackers . . . liberal sites are going to just pretend the Joy Reid story does not exist until it disappears.


Reid is assuming that liberal media outlets will prioritize their ideological and partisan affinity for her over their proclaimed . . . concern for LGBT bigotry, hacking, and journalistic integrity.


Reid is almost certainly right.


Perhaps this is one of the reasons why trust in media institutions has collapsed to the point where people are as willing to believe what they read from fake sites as they are from established ones . . . .


© 2018 Glenn Greenwald, MSNBC’s Joy Reid Claims Her Website Was Hacked and Bigoted Anti-LGBT Content Added, a Bizarre Story Liberal Outlets Ignore, The Intercept (24 April 2018) (excerpts)



Ponder the societal implications


The Lamestream ignores whatever is propagandistically inconvenient — and additionally does so much concealing and lying about everything else — that Americans put as much stock in fairy tales.


Take, for example, the Mainstream's eager acceptance of the United States' probably false "Syria did it" gas attack allegation. See more on that here and here.


So it goes, in virtually all matters, day after day.



The moral? — We prize conflict's entertainment value over everything else


Like besotted sports hooligans, nobody cares about anything other than winning meaningless "us" against "them" contests.


Of philosophical importance, not only might we be living in a computer simulation — but even within it, we act as if the computer's asserted own reality holds no sway.


Is this arrogance before the Fall?


Or merely, incorrigibly hostile stupidity?