Looks like Gina the Torturer is going to make it through confirmation — what do you think that says about 'Murica?

© 2018 Peter Free


10 May 2018



When the Nazis did evil things, it was baaaaad


When we do them, it is goooood.


CIA torture chief of staff, Gina Haspel, told the Senate Intelligence Committee that:



I’m not going to sit here, with the benefit of hindsight, and judge the very good people who made hard decisions, who were running the agency in very extraordinary circumstances.



That's the key element, isn't it?


"Very extraordinary circumstances."



Apparently . . .


It does not occur to Gina the Moral Moron — and all the other American weasel-cowards, who approve of her and her ilk — that Hitler's crew could have generated an identical excuse at Nuremberg.



The moral? — The United States too often illustrates a combination of cosmic hypocrisy, impenetrable stupidity and collateral viciousness


We will probably confirm Ms. Haspel to her new job as head of the CIA.


What action could better illustrate 21st century American values?