Feds are stealing medical supplies from the States — but not a peep from the Lamestream — remembering Thomas Jefferson

© 2020 Peter Free


10 April 2020



Is the entirety of our American experience propaganda?


I mentioned yesterday that the Los Angeles Times revealed that the Federal Government is stealing medical supplies from the States and 'doing nobody knows what' with it.


The Mainstream-Lamestream drowned that report, without even recording a protesting squeak.



Remind yourselves that


This your health care workers' equipment and their lives, as well as your taxpayers' money.


To anyone with backboned decency, the Feds' continuing mindlessly directed robberies should be a flaming invitation to wage civil war (in some fashion) against them.


Such an arguably reasonable and self-defensive analysis does not, however, occur to the Mainstream's lie-filled propaganda machine.


Instead, that contemptible group of 'bought and paid for' media minions immediately rallied to the Totalitarians' side by predictably burying the LA Times' accurate work.



With this intentional papering-over of Truth in mind


When "your":



Grandma LaShanta


Uncle Worf




MayBelle-Ann —


as well as


Dr. Mary Manx and William Williams, RN


fall over dead from COVID-19 . . .



. . . you can fairly credit those Federal Tyranny Stooges with their murders.



How should we defend ourselves?


Let's assume that y'all hesitate to take up Second Amendment arms — and the same Amendment's included militia activity — against the equipment-stealing Federales.


In this, we must sadly accept that citizen courage does not often run deep enough to hazard its own life in pursuit of anything actually important. Like, say, Liberty's survival.


Sheep will be sheep.


So then, faced with life-robbing Feds, what can sheep feebly try to do?


Perhaps they can start thinking a little bit more like respect-worthy goats.



Two thought prescriptions, for example


My advice for derailing propaganda ran this way, here, years ago:



Two propositions are generally useful.


For societal insight, trace money and ego.


To glimpse Truth, rationally link evidence.



Caitlin Johnstone recently addressed the specifics of those ideas in her own elegantly stated way:



Almost everything in the news is empty/irrelevant narrative.


The only relevant information is where the money is moving, where the resources are moving, where the weapons are moving, and where the people are moving.


Everything else is narrative meant to justify, manipulate or distract from those movements.


© 2020 Caitlin Johnstone, The Real Conspiracy: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix, CaitlinJohnstone.com (10 April 2020)



The solution to being downtrodden and fleeced is to get angry


Your adversaries are not admirable.


They qualify only loosely for the label, 'human':



Manipulators without empathy rise to the top, because they’re willing to do whatever it takes and manipulate whoever they need to in order to get there.


This problem is further compounded by the fact that wealth itself kills empathy.


In a system where sociopaths are rewarded with wealth, and where wealth equals power, we naturally find ourselves ruled by sociopaths.


They manipulate our faulty perceptions of objective reality to amass wealth and power, which they use to grab more.


© 2020 Caitlin Johnstone, The Real Conspiracy: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix, CaitlinJohnstone.com (10 April 2020)



Recognize that these pricks are not anointed (or even appointed) by God to put the rest of us into the figurative Death and Poverty Toilet.



The moral? — Reclaim human dignity


Thomas Jefferson's 233 year-old words are still true:



The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.


Thomas Jefferson, Letter from Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 13 November 1787, founders.archives.gov



I have no moral compunction against 'restraining' murdering sociopaths.


Neither should anyone else who owns a sunward-leaning spine.