The FBI — cringing handmaiden to the American Emperor?

© 2018 Peter Free


05 October 2018





The most efficient way to give the appearance of righteousness is to be so.



Regarding the boys in suits


An FBI director with moxie would have told President Trump that it would not participate in an apparently fake investigation of allegations against Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.


Instead — reportedly at the Emperor's instruction — Director Christopher Wray presumably authorized a half-assed inquiry that skipped following up on virtually every volunteered clue that came his agency's way. See, for example, here and here.


Evidently lacking the spine to stand up to the president, Director Wray (we are told) is preparing secret documentation about the FBI's camouflaging endeavor. That because, we can reasonably suspect, he wants to shield his quivering white behind from potentially deserved managerial retribution someday.



Notice, too, that


The FBI report is secret. On the one hand, we can defend confidentiality as protective of the Judge's presumption of innocence.


On the other, not so much.


Kavanaugh is "supremely" public figure. That means his reputational rights are more circumscribed than normal.


Second, he is on record with what some reasonably suspect were lies to the Senate.


Thus, the FBI slapdash report's secrecy may serve more to give the appearance of concealing wrongdoing, than legitimately protecting the hyperpartisan Judge's privacy and good name.



After all . . .


No one asked this poster boy for outraged White Male Entitlement to "court" appointment to the Supremes.


With a fangs-to-the-wind political record and an imperious attitude like his — what did he think was going to happen?


If you jump in front of a train that you set in motion yourself, whose fault is that?



The moral? — the FBI's self-inflicted lack of credibility is eventually going to hurt it


Let's assume you are non-white or female.


After the FBI's Deep State-sponsored "Trump is a Russian puppet" escapade — and its suspected Kavanaugh glossing at the Puppet's demand — would you ever trust these people to do the democracy-supporting "right" thing?


So much for the Founders' hope for institutional checks on government power.


You can bet that some of the FBI's honorable agents and supervisors are not happy with this. No one professionally decent wants to look like a stoogey member of Caesar's brownshirts.