Ecuador becomes just another US stooge — shuts off Julian Asange's Internet — If that does not scare you, it should

© 2018 Peter Free


03 April 2018



Caveat — insight required


What follows will require insight into how international affairs work.


I am not going to dot "i"s.



US totalitarians are everywhere — arm-twisting everyone they can


And "you" thought the enemies of freedom were Russians and Chinese:



Ecuador’s government said Wednesday it has cut off WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s internet connection at the nation’s London embassy after his recent activity on social media decrying the arrest of a Catalan separatist politician.


In a statement, officials said Assange’s recent posts “put at risk” the good relations Ecuador maintains with nations throughout Europe and had decided as of Tuesday to suspend his internet access “in order to prevent any potential harm.”


Assange has since gone silent on social media.


Ecuador granted Assange asylum in the South American nation’s London embassy in 2012, where he has remained cooped up ever since.


© 2018 Gonzalo Solano, Ecuadorean Embassy Cuts Julian Assange's Internet, TruthDig (28 Mar 2018)



No objecting noise from our pathetically bridled Lamestream, either


Those saps wouldn't recognize freedom or courage, if both "smartly" blew into them on a brisk and happy day.


Propaganda is the American press's oligarchically supplied fodder. Which the American public eagerly laps up in designated fields of ignorance and brain-sloth.



The moral? — Power is consistently abused in gaining more


What'cha gonna do when the Masters that Be cut you off, too — just because they do not like the cut of your jib — or your controversial sources of information?


Imperial America has as much in common with actual righteousness, as the 9th Circle of Hell does with Heaven.


Deadly hypocrisy is the American Entity's most visible product.