Deep State owns us all — including former President Trump

© 2022 Peter Free


29 August 2022



This is literally unbelievable — in a supposedly constitutional American democracy


First, the American Stasi — also called the FBI — decides to raid former President Trump's home at Puppet-King Biden's request.


Second, a lowly federal 'magistrate' — essentially a positional flunky for a slightly more elevated federal district judge — approves the search warrant.


That so, apparently on the grounds that no one — absolutely no one — can be permitted to defy the Great American Deep State. Even when this power-seeking bureaucracy goes light years beyond the limited Government actions that are permitted under the US Constitution.


Third, when a popular uproar ensues, the same lowly federal magistrate decides that it is okay for the FBI (under the supposed tutelage of the US Justice Department) to release a hugely blacked-out copy of the original search warrant affidavit.


Those permitted redactions literally obscure every one of the elements that supposedly went toward establishing the Fourth Amendment's required probable cause for obtaining the search warrant in the first place.


In short, when probable cause is required, we 'New Americans' simply disappear it. And then say it's still there — but concealed in subservience to our happily faked national security.


Conveniently tyrannical, no?



For additional perspective


Recall that this faked probable cause is aimed at a former president of the United States.


Given that the US president is privy to — and to the main degree in charge of — America's deepest secrets, you can imagine the sheer ridiculousness of the American Stasi's pursuit of any one of those former commanders in chief.


Now, imagine what your own chances — as an ordinary human being — are, when caught in the grip of these Totalitarian Deep Staters.



In short


The Deep American State can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants and to whomever it wishes.


And then, it can cover over its purportedly justifying lies, its serf-making hands, and its gargantuanly gross societal overreaches — with the completely willing assistance of our thoroughly spineless, tyranny-approving American Judiciary.


Hitler, Stalin and Mao could not have done better. Even on their happiest Humanity-crushing days.



The moral? — American 1776 and 1789 are dead, buried and completely forgotten


We all took up the wazoo, while groveling placidly on our sheepy bellies.


All hail, the Tyrant Bureaucracy.


See ya'll in the gulag — if I survive, undisappeared, for that long.