Congress — a putrid collaboration of predominantly avaricious and duty-avoiding cowards — Democrats, for instance

© 2020 Peter Free


14 August 2020



As US competence and once-held partial virtue collapse around us


Consider the following indicator of America's failed state status.


The country's Democratic Party-controlled, budget-dispensing legislative House of Representatives is on vacation.



Of that, Tom Scocca reasonably asks . . .


. . . my explanatory comment contained in bracketed italics:



How bad would things have to be—


beyond an uncontrolled disease outbreak,


unprecedented mass unemployment,


an impending nationwide eviction crisis,


and an attack on the nation’s capacity to hold elections at all


[meaning President Trump's attack on the US Postal Service] —


for the members of Congress to decide that maybe they don’t need a vacation this year?


[T]hey are, it turns out, in perfect alignment with the president’s central belief:


The best way to deal with an unprecedented series of national emergencies is by hiding from them and pretending everything is basically normal.


© 2020 Tom Scocca, It’s Crisis Time Again. Where Are the Democrats?, Slate (13 August 2020) (reformatted for point-by-point emphasis)



While painfully savoring contempt . . .


. . . for these Congressional creatures of an arguably evil underworld . . .


Recall that this is the same herd that overtly prevented President Trump from scaling down the long-lost, strategically useless and still lives-ending Afghanistan War.



One reluctantly concludes that . . .


While Congress cannot completely stop humanity's very slow progress toward moral and material decency, it can (intentionally) still slow it way down.


Just, I assume, for metaphorical Satan's sake and pocketfuls of Oligarchical loot.



Admirable, no?


These are the (public-trough-munching) Adam Henrys that taxpayers pay notably large salaries to.


Their allegedly "public" employment — we can assume, based upon the overall thrust of recent historical record — exists only so that they can collectively:



(a) dismember every worthy American principle ever created


(b) model unrelenting chickenshitness


as well as


(c) all the deadly sins


all at the same time


in a provocatively splendid display


of seamless nihilism.



This is institutionally impressive, by any atrocity-defining standard.


We see how thoroughly Plutocracy rules the American nest.



The moral? — The United States has abandoned itself to governance by Predatory Scum


Emperor Trump is a suitable figurehead for this Devil's spawn of competing maggotries.


Where are Metaphor's righteous guillotines?