California's Gilroy "garlic festival" shooting — typical American stuff

© 2019 Peter Free


29 July 2019



Garlic festival


You would not expect someone to go to a garlic festival — just to exorcise his anger — by killing people.


Including a 6 year old.



But that's normal behavior in the United States


Where our corporatist culture's bubbling violence expresses itself every day in:



imprisoning millions


(of mainly black people)


funding a massively huge, disproportionately unproductive people-killing machine


(the US military industrial complex)


lying about any and everything —


repressing and oppressing


(whatever it can — all day, every day)




expressing amplified outrage about all manner of things




those that most matter.



The United States is, fundamentally . . .


. . . one of the most psychologically twisted nations on the planet.


Other geographies are sensibly afraid of our spreading madness.



The moral? — You thought Africa had problems?


Too bad that garlic does not fend American vampires off.


If only we could see ourselves through a sane society's eyes.