COVID lunatics are now killing dogs in New South Wales (Australia) — Americans, guard your liberties
© 2021 Peter Free
23 August 2021
Liberty's vanishing Anglo-Saxon heritage
The old British Commonwealth seems to be grasping at hopes of demonstrating how dictatorial it can become.
Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have recently plummeted to the bottom rank of purportedly 'free' western' civilizations. They are enthusiastically emulating communist China — whom they all pretend to reject — so as to assuage COVID hysterics, including those who run the governments involved.
Canada has only recently ended its 'quarantine hotels'. Australia is currently creating quarantine-internment camps for the infected. And New Zealand shut down its entire nation, due to the detected presence of just one case of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Vaccine passports (to be required for people to continue existing on this planet) are on the near horizon.
Topping all this, Australia — evidently trying not to be outdone by its nearby islands peers in New Zealand — now combines beating up anti-COVID lunacy protestors — with shooting allegedly SARS-CoV-2-carrying dogs in New South Wales.
If all of the above does not jar . . .
. . . your sense of rational proportion, there is something wrong with your mind.
The truth is — COVID is endemic
Once it escaped from China (or wherever), it almost instantly became permanently engrained in the human-affecting ecosystem. Easily transmitted and largely survivable respiratory viruses do this.
Yet, despite knowing that SARS-CoV-2 is here — presumably forever — governments around the world are still acting as if they can put it back into evolution's, or biological warfare's, bottle.
Now, there's a Sisyphusean uphill battle.
The moral? — What is going on is Decency-destroying idiocy
It speaks volumes about the unfitness of humans to deal with Reality and Liberty at the same time.
So, my fellow 'Ahmuhrikans' — to borrow (President) LBJ's famous phrase — remember 1776.
Don't let the Anglo-Saxon Commonwealth's liberty-killing, autocratically-inclined hysteria take us over, too.