CNN reports that we should continue the Forever War in Afghanistan on women's behalf

© 2021 Peter Free


11 April 2021



Sometimes 'ya' just gotta thrash Stupid


Below is CNN's version of selectively gathered opinions that favor fighting wars, inferably all over the place, for women's well-being:



Concerns are mounting from bipartisan US lawmakers and Afghan women's rights activists that the hard-won gains for women and civil society in Afghanistan could be lost if the United States makes a precipitous withdrawal from the country.


Republican Rep. Michael Waltz of Florida, who serves as co-chair of the Women, Peace, and Security Caucus, said when he served in Afghanistan as a Special Forces officer he saw "girls schools machine gunned with the girls in them."


"I've seen acid thrown on their faces," he said. "We've made tremendous gains. We need to protect those gains."


Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a New Hampshire Democrat, told CNN that she's "very concerned" that the gains made by women in Afghanistan will not be protected if the US withdraws.


[And so on in the same vein.]


© 2021 Jennifer Hansler, Concerns mount that US withdrawal from Afghanistan could risk progress on women's rights, CNN (10 April 2021)



By that logic . . .


. . . whenever a purported Bad Thing happens anywhere, the US should militarily intervene to fix it.


That, of course, would require an unending effort to reshape the planet's human population to the whims of our liking.



Consider the implications


The US is already run by cowardly imperialists, who are always the last to volunteer for anything remotely hazardous to their Fat Cat survival.


Thus, we can assume that CNN's recommended reshaping of world culture will require the rest of us to continue to lay our non-Fat-Cat lives down on alleged behalf of 'foreign' cultures, which — as History has repeatedly demonstrated — don't want us there, anyway.


This peculiar form of nationally self-destructive stupidity describes American leadership — and the Military Industrial Complex that selects it — in a nutshell.


Do it for women.


Pretty soon, it will be — Do it for babies.



The moral? — Maybe these clowns should pay more attention to correcting obvious wrongs at home . . .


. . . and less to morality-defeating justifications for gunning other people down.


Come talk to me, maybe, when you're finally ready to bleed yourselves, and you children, out on Truth and Justice's battlefield.