US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) deals in Orwellian propaganda — not medicine
© 2021 Peter Free
19 May 2021
If you want to see how Orwellian Government works . . .
. . . look no further than the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The agency's expertise now lies in data distortion and mind control, not medicine.
Previous decades of earning a deserved reputation for reasonable integrity have been completely lost. Plutocracy's puppets lead the agency today.
Think back, for instance — to when COVID-19 first visited the United States
Has the CDC done anything demonstrably competent to deal with SARS-CoV-2?
Arguably not.
Instead, CDC apparently stood passively by, while the FDA initially produced a faulty test for detecting COVID infection — and then, incomprehensibly, the CDC said nothing notably public, when the FDA refused to use any other nations' test, until such time as we could create a sufficient test ourselves. How that qualifies as "disease control" beats me.
Then, CDC went back and forth regarding the desirability of masking. Plus, it never got its act together regarding the science underlying social distancing.
And it made no effort at all (or ever) to motivate investigating COVID's actual epidemiology. Thus, letting 50 states and innumerable American localities flounder in hysterical over and under-reactions to what was going on.
One is left wondering what utility, if any, CDC possesses in dealing with a pandemic that had been entirely foreseeable for many decades.
Topping the Orwellian cake
CDC just changed its COVID case definition to a stricter (meaning less inflated) standard. But only for vaccinated people.
The underlying (unadvertised) idea is to make vaccines appear to be more effective at preventing COVID infection and reinfection, than they really are.
Here is how this trickery works
CDC recently posted this blurb:
As of May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported vaccine breakthrough cases to focus on identifying and investigating only hospitalized or fatal cases due to any cause.
This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance.
© 2021 National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Case Investigation and Reporting, (14 May 2021) (scroll down to the section entitled "Identifying and investigating hospitalized or fatal vaccine breakthrough cases")
Think about what you just read
CDC is bifurcating COVID case definitions into two groups — depending upon whether it wants to inflate or deflate alleged COVID infection numbers:
For the unvaccinated public
A "case" is still just being infected with SARS-CoV-2.
It doesn't matter where one is on the spectrum from being (a) asymptomatic and healthy to (b) gasping for air and life in an ICU.
If you've got SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid remnants anywhere in your body, you're a case. In fact, you're a case, even if you have detectible, but probably inactive, SARS-CoV-2 fragments anywhere in your system.
And, in this definition of "case", it does not matter how many PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplifications it took to get you classified that way.
In contrast — for the vaccinated public
You are only a "case" — if you hospitalized or dead.
What's the obvious effect of this data distortion?
It makes COVID vaccines look far better at preventing infections and reinfections, than the vaccines actually are.
From a scientific perspective . . .
. . . the CDC's data manipulation is not just inexcusable, it is paradigmatically criminal:
In scientific enquiry, one cannot change critical definitions, depending upon which arm of a 'study' one is in.
Doing so defeats the whole purpose of pursuing unbiased scientific and medical investigations.
What is the CDC's underlying goal in forwarding its Orwellian lie?
CDC is very obviously trying to dragoon people into being COVID-vaccinated, so as to profit American Big Pharma.
Preserving the US public's health is not the CDC's purpose anymore. Controlling the American public to benefit our parasitic Plutocracy is.
By the way — CDC's deliberately uninformative website
There is a whole lot of vapid verbiage on CDC's website. Most of it says nothing pertinent to anything that anyone — including physicians and surgeons — would care about.
What the CDC generally posts is the antithesis of the scientific and medical concision that generally characterizes both fields. For the most part, the CDC blathers in a highly disorganized and difficult-to-retrieve fashion.
We are (we can thus infer) paying these folks by the word, rather than for delivering coherent and easily digestible messages. The latter result being what one would assume is the whole point to posting information that is supposed to benefit America's lay public.
Pertinent to today's topic (about twisting COVID "case" definitions) — just try to find a reference to the fact that PCR tests for COVID-19 infections are badly skewed (toward false positives) by manufacturers' tendency to run them through too many amplification cycles.
We have known of this flaw for many months. Too many amplification cycles mean that most such PCR tests are over-finding COVID infections. This flawed form of PCR testing falsely boosts COVID infection totals. Thereby, greatly exaggerating the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic's spread and significance.
See here, for example.
Yet, even today, not a retrievable word on this subject exists on the CDC's COVID website. I spent a long time looking for mentions of the too-many-amplification-cycles flaw. I came up with nothing.
Relevant to this — if you perform a search for SARS-CoV-2 (or COVID) PCR amplification on the CDC's COVID website — you will notice that CDC uses the term "Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests" to describe what literally everyone else — including, for example, the Mayo and Cleveland clinics — calls PCR tests.
Now, keep in mind that the CDC's taxpayer-funded website ostensibly exists to serve the public.
So, why would the agency use terms that the public does not know in place of lay language that means pretty much exactly the same thing?
Even under circumstances in which a CDC term is more medically precise than a lay one, why would it not link the two terms together in a CDC writing, so that the public could find what it is looking for?
Do you think that maybe the CDC is intentionally trying to make information retrieval more difficult than it needs to be?
Or is it just that these credentialed Medical Monkey People work in Government because they are not competent enough to get jobs in the Real World, where one has to communicate, in effective fashion, with ordinary folk?
Yes, I am irritated with these CDC stooge people.
Throughout the COVID-19 era, no US government health agency — including the genuinely abominable Dr. Anthony Fauci (who directs the CDC's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)— has let the American public down more than the CDC has.
The moral? — Trusting American government is, in a significant number of cases, a death sentence of one kind or another
At every turn, American Government is manipulating you.
Follow the money. Detect the lies, distortions and self-serving exaggerations that Government (and the Oligarchy that owns it) use to control us.
It is all propaganda, all the time. This brainwashing's goal is to enable Plutocracy's non-stop blood-sucking.