Brennan gets Trump's security axe — and almost nobody — is asking the two most fundamental questions

© 2018 Peter Free


16 August 2018



Background — bye-bye, John


I cannot say that I am especially sad to see that politically scheming and nausea-inducing lout, John Brennan, take a figurative brick to the head.


Yes, Deep State John lost his security clearance at the enraged stroke of President Trump's rampaging ire.



Two obvious questions have been lost — amid the highly politicized fallout


Why should a retired or exited government functionary hold onto a security clearance, in the first place?


And why should the Commander in Chief have complete authority to revoke it, under any circumstances?








Presumably, a security clearance is necessary to work with, or for, the government on secret stuff in reasonably contained settings.


Once one leaves that capacity (public or private), why automatically retain the clearance?


Isn't adequate supervision, so to speak, that much more difficult when the clearance holder goes to another arena?


Say, like Brennan did in his new, private sector — but Deep State-manipulated — position as co-leader of an anti-Trump coup?






Why should the politically originated Office of the President have singular authority to revoke a security clearance?


One can presume that there are good reasons to have secrets-handling folk, who (structurally speaking) are not subject to a politician's, monarchically unopposed whim.



The moral? — As usual in the United States, almost everyone misses the most essential points


God help us, if even moronically intelligent space aliens — or Reality — decide to attack.