Barbara Boland skewered Bob Woodward — the US and Israel demonstrated that they're pariah nations — and then there's Julian Assange

© 2020 Peter Free


26 September 2020



Sadly romp (with me) inside the stinking US carcass


Today's three randomly lifted metaphors aptly delineate our current state of affairs.



Piece 1 — Bob Woodward, quintessential Establishment gossip


Too harsh?


Evaluate Barbara Boland's perspective on this insidiously self-seeking quasi-weasel:



At the end of Trump’s first term, there are scores of people the president has humiliated, fired by tweet, and excoriated publicly after nasty and public fallings out, and all of them have stories to tell.


These angry, jilted rejects from the Trump administration . . . have poured out their hearts, and their grievances, to Washington’s reporting angel, Bob Woodward.


From national security heavyweights, to former and current senators and White House officials, to generals famous for their silence, the veteran Watergate journalist transcribes them all in his latest book Rage.


Rage is awash with an astonishing array of self-serving narratives . . . .


Throughout both Fear and Rage, the reader can never be certain who is talking, because Woodward serves up his narrative in omniscient voice.


Almost all the original reporting Woodward conducted is on “deep background.” Whomever it is that spoke to Woodward wasn’t willing to publicly put their names to what they told him.


Napoleon once said that history is “an agreed upon fable.”


Through his unquestioning use of self-serving sources, Woodward allows Rage to be nothing more than a shockingly unabashed stenography of the Washington establishment.


© 2020 Barbara Boland, Bob Woodward: Stenographer Of The Washington Establishment, American Conservative (24 September 2020) (reformatted)



In short, what Bob Woodward has been generating for years is not history. It's back-stabbing propaganda, drooled from (arguably cowards') conniving mouths.


Recognize, in this pejorative evaluation, that the worst that Trump can do to one of Woodward's sources is to deliver a nasty tweet. Yet, anonymity they still seek.


And, for the most part, these are the (mainly) "guys" who advocate and carry out killing (and plundering) people over much of the world.


Fine exemplars of spine, they are. Woodward, too.



Segment 2 — two pariah nations


Two weeks ago, the United Nations held a vote to approve a non-binding agreement to remove international economic and trade sanctions that are hindering the world's battle with SARS-CoV-2.



Ukraine and Hungary abstained.


The presumably Jesus and Yaweh-blessed United States and Israel opposed.


The final vote was 169-2.



When yesterday, I spoke of the US squandering its soft power into vacuum-bite bits, this is the sort of aggressively displayed, anti-humanitarian idiocy that I was pointing to.



Portion 3 — meanwhile, nobody influential is going to Julian Assange's aid


Thus, we go from the non-heroic Woodward snitch 'n lie rats, through the world's two pariah nations, and on to a genuine hero.


Assange, bastion of true journalistic worthiness — whom the United Kingdom and the United States are successfully squashing for having published the Truth about the Establishment's characteristically evil doings.





Woodward gets monetary and Lamestream acclaim for his unattributed gossip.


And the US and Israel happily skate from consequential justice, despite their voluminously imperial killing sprees.


While Julian Assange, the only genuinely worthy among this bunch of parasitic pillagers, loses his life.



The moral? — We live in a nation exclusively led, owned and informed by vicious slimeballs


Harder than average times are certainly coming down the Pike.


Prepare yourselves.