America's looters — want the rest of us to act civilly

© 2018 Peter Free


02 July 2018



American pillagers' bottomless hypocrisy


Recall these two recent uproars?



The "trumped" outrage over a restaurant owner that told White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave —


closely followed by


the tumult over Representative Maxine Waters' feisty encouragement of similar protests — against President Trump's immigrant family separation policy?



Listening to the blowback from our Looters-in-Charge


You would think that those two protest-rousing women had killed people and danced in their blood. While screaming atheist chants.


Of this situation, Sonali Kolhatkar wrote that:



Rep. Maxine Waters . . . . [said] that if they “see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”


House Speaker Paul Ryan [Republican] . . . [called] on Waters to apologize, saying, “There is no place for this,” even though the Republican leader has . . . silently acquiesced to the ugliest and most violent of discourses from the president . . . .


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer [Democrat] issued a statement . . . saying, “If you disagree with a politician, organize your fellow citizens to action and vote them out of office. But no one should call for the harassment of political opponents. That’s not right. That’s not American.”


[Of these inanities, Kolhatkar observed:]


There is nothing civil about a president and Supreme Court deciding to ban people from whole nations . . . .


There is nothing civil about more than 2,000 children being held hostage . . . .


There is nothing civil about the massive numbers of undercounted deaths in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria for which Trump has yet to be held accountable.


There is nothing civil about Trump’s undoing of the Iran nuclear deal.


There is nothing civil about the GOP’s offensive on Obamacare, its tax giveaway to the rich, its attacks on voting rights or the undermining of unions.


In the face of such relentless daily assaults on our Constitution, our social safety net, our human rights and dignity, Schumer and his ilk want us to remain civil?


It is quite likely that proponents of slavery, Jim Crow racism, Japanese-American internment, etc., called for calm over fury.


Nothing helps the status quo quite like civil discourse in the face of daily destruction.


© 2018 Sonali Kolhatkar, To Hell With Civility, TruthDig (28 June 2018) (paragraphs split)



Amen, sister. Malcolm X it.



The moral? — Don't smother your bear


Your bear's hostility to Evil keeps you alive.


Your bear strong-paws the predators, who steal food from cubs' mouths.


Being civil to fascists is soul-defeating.