American working class has forgotten the "labor" reference in Labor Day

© 2019 Peter Free


01 September 2019



If you are elderly


You probably remember when labor unions were considered important to the average American worker's financial health.


Not anymore.


Today, Labor Day has become an essentially meaningless invitation to drink beer, change out of white, and look forward to football season.


Never mind your rotten finances and almost certainly rocky future.


We ignore the fact that we will be breaking our bodies, over decades, for somebody else's obscenely large, soft-hands-derived and system-rigging profit.



The moral? — In the United States, active resistance to economic exploitation sits forgotten and idle


We are stone-headedly averse to thinking about how economy and society should be structured to benefit the whole.


It is as if Fat Cat-generated propaganda genetically selects us to become invisibly enslaved.


The enemy, contrary to the Lamestream, are not China and Russia. Both of whom are too far away and too comparatively weak to meaningfully affect us with their unappetizing, autocratic systems.


American freedom's real enemy is our own economically exploitive system.


In a "sensible" society, the concept of labor should imply actively more than an excuse to take a long weekend.