American hallucinations battle on — we'll celebrate with a "yuge" parade

© 2018 Peter Free


07 February 2018



Just when one thinks that things cannot get any sillier — this


With the infamously slanted Nunes Memo, the American Congress is currently fighting over two versions of a cretin's fantasy:



One, sponsored by Democratic Party of Avaricious Donkey Butts, alleges that Evil Vlad the Destroyer rigged an American election and installed Puppet Trump (of Orange) in the presidency.


The other, sponsored by the Republican Party of the Anti-Christ, accuses Democrats of having coopted all American intelligence agencies, as well as an allegedly monstrous FBI, in attempting to 'coup' hapless Donald from his Presidential Throne of White Boy Righteousness.



Neither of these perspectives has a whit of effective-as-delivered historical merit


Yet, the whole country (with vanishingly few dissenters) believes (with near-orgasmic passion) that its Straw Person view is the correct one:



If you push the Dope Button on the back of a Democrat, you'll hear a looped recording about the treacherously unspeakable Putin-Sponsored Commie Takeover.


And if you punch the equivalent switch on a Republican, you will get the interminable Treason-Inspired Anti-Trump Coup announcement.



The lamestream carries these devoid-of-sense diatribes all day, every day.


Both partisan sides take advantage of the First Law of Public Imbecility. Namely that if one repeats something often enough, most of humanity will believe it, no matter how preposterous and demonstrably untrue it is.


God help the children.



We have endured 15 months of these absurdities


If Russia really had coopted an American presidential election, our intelligence services would have known and exposed the feat, with voluminously proffered proof, just weeks after it happened. Pretending today that Evil Vlad pulled a colossal stunt like this off, without any subsequently produced substantiation, reveals a brain-decomposed skull. Yet about half of the United States remains true believers. (Gesticulating idiots all.)


Similarly, thinking that the American Deep State has partisanly orchestrated every one of Donald of Orange's woes is like blaming Private Ryan for the origins of World War II. Yet, again, roughly half of the American population thinks that Trumpian Regality is majorly threatened by faceless mobs of cabal-inspired and paper-sorting bureaucrats. (Non compos mentis paraded on stampeding hooves.)



Lost in this creatively orchestrated bilge swill are genuine problems


Like, for example, Congress and the Courts' enthusiasm for turning the United States into a First and Fourth Amendment-ignoring police state.


Or, for instance, the American Empire gobbling up our entire economy, so as to strengthen and perpetuate its practice of making enemies of every non-US person on Earth's sun-orbiting globe.


You want anti-American?


It sits in those two near-completed trends that virtually no one pays any attention to.



Meanwhile — you have Child Boy Trump calling for a military parade like France's


To celebrate (no doubt) our missile-spurting, North Korea-provoking cojones.


Nothing like a stiff appendage to serve as the United States' lizardy brainstem.





If I were not already elderly and soon to croak, I would have to shoot myself to escape a future surrounded by rabidly hallucinating, militarized idiots.


The Zombie Apocalypse is (surely) at hand — but proudly with circuses. (Yay.)



The moral? — With crazy-stupid leadership like the United States displays (day-in-day-out), our portion of humankind is doomed


Thankfully for humanity's genetic future, the rest of the planet's population may eventually get the opportunity to stick our own guns up our bifurcated bottoms and pull the mercy trigger.


I can hear them now. "We had to save America by destroying it."


Sound familiar?