American 'civilization' — you think it's here to stay?

© 2021 Peter Free


01 October 2021



It's all gonna blow, ain't it?


Yesterday, I wrote that:



Civilization is fragile.


Protecting it takes unrelenting attention and never-ending effort.



The American public mostly ignores this idea


We are being manipulated to be at each other's throats, so that Elites can steal our pitiful bags of quasi-rubles — and sometimes our lives — while we are distracted by falsely founded or overly exaggerated conflicts.





Many of the same folk, who daily contribute to this escalation of emotion-based conflict — (think Democrats and Republicans) — are ignoring the historically demonstrated fact that it will probably not take much more spark — to spiral this intentionally fostered antipathy into mutual destruction.



See, for instance . . .


. . . former war correspondent Chris Hedges warning about how easily 'civilization' erupts into chaos and barbarism:



People . . . can't grasp the fragility of whatever social system they're in.


And they're always caught by surprise [when the system crumbles into bloody chaos].


© 2021 usefulidiots, Chris Hedges: A New Civil War Is Coming, YouTube (24 September 2021) (quote appearing at 05:20 minutes)



I agree with Hedges


The urban-rural and liberal-conservative hatreds — that we currently see being brewed in the United States — are much more dangerous than most people, from either camp or in between, think.



Part of today's problem . . .


. . . is that Elitists and Corporatists are so accustomed to being in full and manipulative control of our Society — which they blood-suck by fostering divisive fear and Other-hatred among the Rabble — that they are unable to envision losing their profitable grasp of the reins — to the chaotic Winds of Primal Wrath.



The moral? — Hating one's fellow people is a self-destructive thing


Attempting to tolerate (and even like) our fellow Rabble neighbors turns out to be a survival trait.


Like most spiritual advisements, this one will be ignored.