The American Netanyahu in Chief — thinks that rocks are guns

© 2018 Peter Free


02 November 2018



Staying in character


President Trump responded to — reports that the "migrant caravan" is armed and menacing:



Mexico authorities said migrants attacked its agents with rocks, glass bottles and fireworks when they broke through a gate on the Mexican end but were pushed back, according to the Associated Press.


"They want to throw rocks at our military, our military fights back," the [President Trump] told reporters.


"I told them to consider it a rifle. When they throw rocks like what they did to the Mexican military and police I say consider it a rifle."


© 2018 Chrystal Hayes, Migrant caravan: Trump suggests immigrants could be shot if they throw rocks at military, USA Today (01 November 2018)



In view of the Commander in Chief's massive amount of combat experience . . .


I am sure US troops deployed to the border with Mexico are going to take his guidance very seriously.


We can become the Western Hemisphere's version of Israel.



The moral? — Hail Caesar


After blasting immigrant rock-carriers, we can feed unshot caravan members to lions inside NFL stadiums.


That'll teach 'em. It would be profitable, too. A win-win for the American way.


Y'all be proud.