American COVID testing debacle continues — Big Pharma plot? — or just governmental stupidity?
© 2020 Peter Free
03 September 2020
American institutional incompetence at every turn?
The New York Times discovered that US polymerase chain reaction testing for SARS-CoV-2 is being run through too many nucleic acid amplification cycles to be useful.
By going overboard in this manner, the testing is detecting overly tiny viral loads — including even "dead" fragments of the SARS-CoV-2 virus — that are far too low to be contagious.
Worse, the same testing labs do not forward the number of amplification cycles that they used to detect whichever allegedly positive result they are reporting.
Consequently, physicians have no idea whether their patients' viral loads should actually be concerning:
To contact trace or not?
What medical and epidemiological advice to give?
This level of institutionalized US stupidity is appalling
The FDA, which should have come up with relevant guidance months ago, has not:
The Food and Drug Administration said in an emailed statement that it does not specify the cycle threshold ranges used to determine who is positive, and that “commercial manufacturers and laboratories set their own.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it is examining the use of cycle threshold measures “for policy decisions.”
The agency said it would need to collaborate with the F.D.A. and with device manufacturers to ensure the measures “can be used properly and with assurance that we know what they mean.”
© 2020 Apoorva Mandavilli, Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be, New York Times (29 August 2020)
We're at least 8 months into this pandemic and these bureaucrats are still sitting on their highly paid behinds.
Why do they think their agencies even exist?
From all objectively minded perspectives, the FDA and CDC's records during this pandemic have been almost entirely witless.
This is what happens when . . .
Big Pharma and Government get together to abandon any concern for implementing proper epidemiological techniques and scientific inquiry.
Why investigate when "we" can worship the Magic Monkey God and make money at the same time?
The moral? — The US is making a laughingstock of itself around the world
Every day, it just gets worse and worse — in what used to be a relevant, admirable and leading nation.