America is warmongering again — this time over the United Kingdom's Skripal poisonings

© 2018 Peter Free


11 August 2018



This is what happens — when you assign American leadership to rat-brained lunatics


If you have been following the aftermath of March 2018's Skripal father and daughter (nerve agent) poisonings in the United Kingdom, you probably recognize that the British Government blamed the Russians for the novichok attack.


This, despite obvious or inferable facts that:



the poison was almost certainly not Russian military grade — because nobody died


very likely did not come from the Federation — see for example, Czech information here and here



did not work properly — which seems un-murderously inefficient and therefore not especially "Russian"


under contextual circumstances in which


the Federation had no discernible rational motive for conducting such an assassination:



at that time,


against those two victims,


and on British soil.



The Theresa May Administration's accusations were, we can reasonably surmise, dangerously provocative political theater. Spawned to take domestic focus off her incompetent leadership.



And now, under similar American circumstances


The US is joining the British "stupidity flaunt".


The Trump Administration, under the auspices of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, has initiated another round of economic sanctions against the Russians — based on the Brits' improbably attributed event.


Purportedly, the Trump Administration is required to act by a 1991 American law that requires us to sanction nations that use chemical weapons.


This is the Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991 — also known as 22 U.S. Code § 5601.



A British falsehood — now has American backing


In that regard, former Representative Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams — (executive director of the Ron Paul Institute) — did a good job of explaining how irrationally crazy this is. See here.


Paul points out that President Trump's hands are politically tied. Due to the Deep State's clever creation of Trump's purported Russian ties. That so, even though the President probably (sanely, in this instance) does not agree with the United States' unwarranted escalation of anti-Russian paranoia.



Culturally indicative is that


The American Lamestream reported on the new round of American anti-Russian sanctions, but made no attempt to assess either:



(a) the allegations' truth




(b) the subsequently imposed sanctions' very serious escalation of world tensions.



In the US, we can infer, anything Russian is evil.


Even if we have to "make the shit up".



Understanding how dangerously provocative all this is . . .


. . . requires an understanding of the US law that supposedly justifies the sanctions:



If Russia does not supply the US with "reliable assurances" it will not use chemical weapons in the future and does not consent to allowing UN inspectors into the country, the US could hit Russia with second wave of more serious sanctions, according to NBC News, which cited a State Department official.


The second round could include more limits on trade, deep cuts to diplomatic relations, and restrictions on Russia's state airline being allowed in US airspace.


© 2018 Grace Panetta, The US is slapping Russia with new sanctions over allegations it poisoned an ex-spy on UK soil, Business Insider (08 August 2018)



Do you imagine that the Russians are going to allow the United States to initiate an invasive reduction of Federation sovereignty?


You know, an "intrusion" similar to the United States' hysterical actions that brought down Iraq and Libya?


Inspections (of this proposed kind) on Russian soil are not going to happen. Ever. It does not matter who is leading the Federation.


Russians will never, based on any reasonable reading of their history, give in to such a reduction of their standing in the world.


What may happen instead is that the Russian Federation will finally begin seriously fighting back against the always advancing NATO noose. Under any likely strategic scenario, this means that American troops and masses of other people are eventually going to suffer or die.


All because stupidly hostile American leadership overstepped Strategic Reason's bounds.



An aside — about institutionally enforced citizen ignorance


Speaking of dangerously idiotic leaders, it should be clear that most of what these power-feeding dolts do is based on public-manipulating lies. Lies that are delivered under circumstances in which what actually is true is very difficult to find.


For example, if you want to track down details of the Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991 — you first have to find this online list.


That (very long) itemized account shows where separate pieces of Congress's original chemical and biological weapons bill are encoded.


Bits of the Act are sprinkled hither and yon across vast areas of federal statutes and regulations. This scattering makes it almost impossible for citizens to keep track of anything that describes:



(a) what Government says it is supposed to do — allegedly based on the Act




(b) how federal agencies, which are supposedly implementing Congress' intent, are actually doing that — instead of manipulating or distorting what Congress said it authorized them to do.



I say all this as an attorney with significant experience in navigating similarly democracy-defeating, unhelpfully scattered verbiage.



The moral? — With rodent-capacity brains at our helm . . .


. . . we are making major nuclear-armed confrontations significantly more likely. And doing so, with no perceptible gain in national security. In other words, all risk and no offset.


Consider these two questions:



If your "enemies" are not really threatening you, what strategic sense does it make to force a possible nuclear confrontation with them?


Why would anyone sane force a comparatively weak and only trivially annoying adversary to resort to nukes to defend itself against the United States' overwhelming and often unnecessarily aggressive strength?



Specifically with regard to the Russian Federation:



The Russians are not a significant threat to any vital American national interest.


Russia's economy is too weak and its conventional arms too numerically handicapped to reasonably project power over the long distances necessary to:


(a) existentially threaten major NATO-protected European powers,


much less


(b) the United States.



Given the imposition of this most provocative last round of anti-Russian sanctions, we have to conclude that American motivation is not really strategic or defensive.


It is instead aimed instead at profiting the Military Industrial Complex that underlies virtually the entire US economy.


In light of the comparatively non-threatening geopolitical situation, I conclude that almost everyone in "western" leadership is appallingly greedy and/or imbecilically stupid.


Perhaps these dopes survive (evolutionarily speaking) only because their family lines insisted on killing everything that moves.


In that sense, I tentatively suggest, American elites have become the Ebola Virus of human affairs.


Recall that it is never leadership that suffers deadly accountability. It is always you, I and all the other disposable human rabble that make up the world population.


This is why we should speak out, when American leadership starts picking and escalating fights that make no (public interest-serving) sense.


Sadly, American Government and Lamestream propaganda ensure that virtually no one thinks to do this. The operative word, of course, is "think".


World Wars I and II both arrived because so few people thought. The third tumult will, one can estimate, arrive the same way.