Attorney General Bill Barr — is oozing his way through Plutocracy's revolving door

© 2020 Peter Free


02 December 2020



Gotta admire this self-serving guy's survival technique


Attorney General Bill Barr, after a seemingly interminable episode of eagerly behind-licking the Prez, has now turned tables on election-loser Donny:



First, he squats on the President's claims of election 2020 fraud.


And then — to mask this perceived treachery — he announces his earlier appointment of "special counsel" John Durham, so as continue the latter's pretend investigation of Russiagate's Trump-squashing origins.



Yes, it's all true


"Smug" Bill has announced that the 2020 election was righteously conducted and the Prez lost.


This — even though Barr, the Department of Justice and the FBI evidently have not — given the excessively short time period, as well as the lack of conclusion-supporting details — investigated much of anything.


That shortfall includes, we can infer, the arguably legitimate (very few) affidavits that the Trumpster's lawyers have managed to dredge from Jurisdictional Bureaucracy's back alleys.


Otherwise, we might fairly assume, allegedly trustworthy Bill would have told us so.



And — in a cleverly parallel — ass-protecting move


"Gravitas" Bill — so as to maintain his Republican Party credentials — has anointed US prosecutor John Durham with regimes-spanning "special counsel" status.


This, so that "John" — has nice Biblical ring, don't you think? — can continue harassing Democrats — and, presumably, the FBI — with his yawningly long, evidently not-even-simmering investigation of the origins of Russiagate's anti-Trump lies.


Those of you with inquiring minds will recognize that Durham has (almost certainly) not turned up anything especially actionable, even during the many-many months that he has reportedly been at "work".


And furthermore, even if there had been institutionally sponsored anti-Trump skullduggery in action — which seems certain, at least to those with experience in Machiavellian human affairs — the Reigning Establishment will never let Durham act upon it.


In consequence, Durham's so-called investigation is only a form of partisan harassment. It is exclusively designed to keep the Republican Faithful in hopeful line.


Durham, Barr and "we" all know this.


Consequently, Barr's special counsel appointment is just more partisanly aimed Appearance-Is-Everything bullshit.


Ergo, news of this "special counsel" anointment is primarily designed to grease AG Bill B's comfortable, oil-slick slide into whatever:





Republican-sponsored place




Barr has chosen to future-seat


his stupendously ample


perpetually wily


happily principles-lacking





Respect is due


One has to admire William "the Purported Attorney" Barr's establishment-connected survival skills.


Attorney General Barr's system-twisting acumen symbolically exhibits itself in his be-spectacled, authority-displaying, suit-wearing, impressively sized bulk.


An establishment whale, so to speak.



The moral? — As Lee Camp said recently . . .


. . . apparently with Barr-Slithering (pun intended) types in mind:



It doesn’t matter when you read this, the assholes will still be in power.


I know that because here in America we can’t vote out the assholes.


We can trouble them, scare them, annoy them, and sometimes even pressure them into doing some small thing that’s mildly progressive.


But we can’t vote out the assholes.


© 2020 Lee Camp, We Can’t Vote ‘Em Out, Consortium News (30 November 2020) ) (paragraph split)