The DNI Russia hacking report — is a symbolic manifestation — of the Obama Administration's frequently incompetent uselessness

© 2017 Peter Free


07 January 2017



As the Obama Administration prepares to scuttle out the Departures Door


The declassified version of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) report was supposed to prove American election hacking by the Russian Federation. But when you read its entirety, you see that it provides no evidence.


The report simply repeats the DNI's well-explained conclusions.





Much of the DNI report is an extended list of accusations against Russia's media propaganda arm, RT.


The RT indictment comes from a 4-year old non-government source investigation. See here at page 6.


I found the lengthy RT-did-it section informative, but laughable. Virtually the entirety of the American mainstream media serves exactly the same intentionally biased purpose, but seen from our perspective.


Who's calling the kettle black, again?



National security secrecy — as an excuse for lack of information


We are supposed to conclude that national security prevents Big Daddy from telling us anything of actually evidentiary nature about the alleged Russian intrusion into our cyber space:



The Intelligence Community rarely can publicly reveal the full extent of its knowledge or the precise bases for its assessments, as the release of such information would reveal sensitive sources or methods and imperil the ability to collect critical foreign intelligence in the future.


Thus, while the conclusions in the report are all reflected in the classified assessment, the declassified report does not and cannot include the full supporting information, including specific intelligence and sources and methods.


© 2017 Director of National Intelligence, Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution, (06 January 2017) (at page 1)


If the above source disappears, you can also find the report here.




As a piece of propaganda aimed at trusting people


As propaganda, the DNI report is quite good.


However, speaking as someone who has seen American Government lie its way into one war, racist oppression, pseudo-genocide, and pocket-fleecing after another, I don't include myself in that gullible group.



This POS is the best that the Obama Administration can do?


Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich — admittedly an occasionally slyly unethical provocateur — made an obvious point:



"The president didn't have this report before he applied sanctions on Russia.


"What was the basis of his sanctions? He had a bad morning? It was a hunch? What's going on here?"


"This is just like Benghazi. It is one more example where you have to say to yourself that there are profoundly wrong things going on . . . .


© 2017 Tim Hains, Gingrich: What Was Obama's Basis For Russia Sanctions, If He Didn't Have Report Until Now?, Real Clear Politics (06 January 2017) (with embedded Fox News video clip)



So . . .


In addition to (a) providing no evidence to support the United States' increasing drumbeat for provoking an escalated confrontation with Russia, (b) the timing of this unrevealing report casts further doubt on the competence and reliability of the Obama Administration that spawned it.


From a tactical political perspective, why repeat an assertion when it is just going to make you look bad in some other way?


Evidently, not only did the Administration permit the Russians to cyber hack, it let them get away with it — as Newt Gringrich implies — without saying a word to anyone for quite some time.



The moral? — If oligarchic-plutocratic Government's lips are moving, it's probably lying . . .


. . . or trying to stoke diversionary public passions.


This is a perilous place for a supposedly "free" republican democracy to be.