The Plutocratic Elite Pulls Its Levers and Voilà — Probably No More Revolt

© 2016 Peter Free


21 March 2016



The people are the enemy


Notice how the Republican Party’s populist uprising (in the person of Donald Trump) is being opposed by a Party Establishment that claims to support smelly arch-obstructionist Senator Ted Cruz.


The latter, one can surmise, is more agreeable to the nation’s Power Elite simply because nothing will change under his malevolent, gears-stopping hands. Because the System already operates exclusively to the Oligarchy’s best interests, a predictably obstructionist Cruz presidency will do nothing to change that.


Mr. Trump, on the other hand — foul-mouthed egomaniac that he is — is just unruly enough to slightly harass America’s rapacious Military Industrial Complex and its unending creation of corporation-profiting wars. Trump also appears likely to question the rationale for free trade arguments that have foreseeably gutted American industry and its workers. (Can’t have those kinds of interference with America’s plutocratic profit machine, can we?)


On the Democratic side, the same reestablishment of oligarchic authority is in play. Quasi-Rebel Senator Bernie Sanders has been harassed from the beginning by a grossly biased Democratic National Committee. Consider the shenanigans of Secretary Clinton-supporter, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who has been substantially aided by American government’s propaganda arm, the Mainstream Media. Here characterized by streams of highly questionable anti-Sanders comments from the New York Times and the Washington Post.



In both political parties’ cases . . .


The Moneybags Elite has slyly made its arguments against the two populists about something else:



On the Republican side, the argument against “Demagogue” Trump is purportedly about not being represented by a bigoted fascist — despite both these traits being the absolute bedrock of Republican politics for decades.


With respect to the Democrats, the camouflage takes the form that America is neither (a) socialist nor (b) ripe for an inexperienced elderly man to take the helm in these purportedly perilous times.



Both anti-populist arguments are bullshit intended to cover Pluto-Potamus’s tracks


Republicans, ever faithful to the principle of not actually representing The People, are explicitly trying to crush the groundswell of ordinary person support for Mr. Trump. And (laughably) —despite the reams of criticism they have rained upon the Orange Buffoon — simultaneously clamor that they will support him for president, if he is nominated in spite of their anti-Hitler pleas.


We can therefore infer that Mr. Trump is absolutely unworthy to lead the United States, except that (if he is nominated), he apparently magically becomes supportable.


Logic is evidently not something that the Republican leadership is good at. We are against Hitler, until he wins and we are for him.


Democrat leaders, being even more simple-minded, argue that warmongering Hillary Cee is the absolute best choice, simply because she is deeply experienced at creating carnage all around and is also a Self-Announced Friend to Black People (and everybody else who has non-icicle skin).


The fact that Husband Bill and Secretary Hillary have not done one substantially good thing for Black America — or anyone Ordinary Else — seems not to matter.


Logic is equally, it seems, not a Democratic Party strong point.



The moral? — 2016 will probably become another lesson in the application of American Oligarchy’s anti-democratic power


Robert Kuttner observed that:



This should be a year when Trump finally blows up the bogus Republican alliance between social conservatives and Wall Street billionaires who play the dog-patch base for suckers; a year when Sanderista activists finally blow up the Wall Street capture of the Democrats.


It may yet happen.


But never underestimate the power of elites.


© 2016 Robert Kuttner, A Tale of Two Conventions and One Electoral College, Huffington Post (20 March 2016) (extracts)