A Nation of Sheep Tolerates Its Liar in Chief — American Combat Troops Are Going to Stay in Afghanistan because It Pleases the Military Industrial Complex

© 2014 Peter Free


01 June 2014



No surprise in this, given King Obama’s track record for being manipulatively oily


Remember when all American troops were supposed to be completely out of Afghanistan in 2014?


You know, when that 01 September 2012 statement of purpose was a component of Obama’s election ride to re-coronation.


From the Washington Post:



President Obama revealed his long-awaited plan for Afghanistan on Tuesday, announcing that a residual force of 9,800 U.S. troops will remain there for one year following the end of combat operations in December.


That number will be cut in half at the end of 2015, and reduced at the end of 2016 to a small military presence at the U.S. Embassy.


The plan, despite White House warnings early this year of a possible “zero option,” is largely in line with what the U.S. military had requested. It also is in line with what NATO and other international partners said was necessary for them to retain a presence in Afghanistan.


© 2014 Karen DeYoung, Obama to leave 9,800 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Washington Post (27 May 2014) (extracts)


In other words, the Military Industrial Complex wants to maintain its money-making grip on a completely hopeless conflict, so as to continue to profit everyone except the people doing the dying and suffering.



The moral? — Never believe an American president


They are all weasels with missiles — puppets to their lust for cozying up to the people, who massively profit from exacerbating the world’s pain.


It is not that national defense and order maintenance are bad.  It is just that virtually everything the United States has done, since the beginning of the Vietnam War, has worked the other way and against our stated purposes at the time.


So, one does have to ask — who profits from continually making these strategic mistakes?  And why do American presidents foment for repeated traipses into national self-destruction?


The answer (of course) is money and personal power, just like the monarchs of yesteryear.  But now done under the guise of a democracy of draft-avoiding sheep.