Entrenched — Pelosi and Trump prove the same thing

© 2016 Peter Free


02 December 2016



Did you notice that?


President-elect Trump — of "drain the swamp" fame — seems to be populating his Administration with exactly the well-connected, rich insider types that he promised (interminably) to get rid of.


And Nancy Pelosi's back with another term as House Minority Leader. Despite the fact that she hasn't done anything notable to keep the Democratic Party from repeatedly soiling its pants in public.


Same faces.


Same self-serving, lying agendas.



The moral? — Gonna have to nuke 'em, to get rid of them


These people are like mold. Always there until you (metaphorically) flame their power-hungering behinds out of existence.


Thomas Jefferson's freedom-preserving "blood of patriots" prescription is apropos.