Duplicitous Deep State on one side — bloviating dictator on the other — USA in a nutshell

© 2019 Peter Free


15 January 2019



Our ability to generate outrageous elected government behavior escalates each day


Yesterday, I mentioned the Lamestream and Deep State's anti-democratic attempts to overturn the 2016 presidential election.


Today, I point to President Trump's own effort to overturn the Constitution, via the government shutdown that he initiated.


Lawyer Mitchell Zimmerman put this dictatorial behavior into perspective:



News outlets are treating the Trump shutdown as a power struggle between two willful forces, the president and the Democrats — rather than the president’s disturbing rule-or-ruin strategy. Let’s call it what it is: extortion, an attack on our democracy and the fundamental principle of majority rule.


Under our constitution, the executive branch cannot simply decree that government money will be spent on something. Congress must pass a law authorizing the government to spend the money.


If the proponents of every program that had support in Congress — but not enough to be enacted — decided it was better to crash the government than accept a defeat for the time being, that would be the end of our democracy. It would mean that all of the government programs that do enjoy majority support would, in effect, be vetoed. Vetoed unless a program that the majority doesn’t support was enacted.


Flying the government into a mountainside isn’t principled behavior. It’s a disastrous attack on democracy.


© 2019 Mitchell Zimmerman, Government by Extortion, CounterPunch (11 January 2019)



The problem with our American times . . .


. . . is that today's influential national leadership is almost exclusively comprised of unprincipled, self-seeking rats.



The moral? — Meaningful public unrest is absent


We the Rabble have given up on democracy, too.